[center][B][U]I'onriyi Stonehand[/U][/B][/center] Nodding at Ixion's words, the penin's eyes turned towards the other fellow, a man who he did not recall learning the name, no matter. However, before the man had a chance to reply properly, his head turned at a sound. A few moments afterwards the penin heard the sound that had apparently drawn the human's attention. It was the noise of quickly moving feet, booted feet, as well as the clatter of armor, or at least metal. The guards had finally decided to show up, how punctual of them. Then again, he didn't blame them, after all, the majority of them used little, if any, magic and so dealing with magical combatants or criminals was a dangerous business. In fact, it was dangerous even [I]with[/I] a mage to back you up. His eyes following the stranger's to the entrance of the alley, I'on strode past Morgan, standing before all three individuals, well two really considering one was upon the ground and quite dead. Nonetheless, that's where the guardsmen would find him when the entered the alley and posed for battle--though it would not have been much of one had it come to that. It wouldn't, at least the penin had no intention of letting it. Luckily, and not the least surprising to I'on, one of the guards almost immediately recognized him--though he did use that damned annoying nickname. Had he not been exhausted he may have smiled to hide his irritation, but such was plainly not the case. [B]"What happened?"[/B] I'on raised an eyebrow, a frown coming over his face, a look that would be quite familiar to the guard if he'd ever encountered the mage before, [B]"What happened is this poor woman was attacked and now lies dead and ye're late."[/B] Sighing, I'on made an effort to appear as if he was calming his temper, a temper that was fairly well known. Shaking his head and brushing himself off somewhat, the penin looked between the guards, before locking eyes with the wielder of the crossbow. His eyes narrowed, and he spoke once more, his eyes never leaving the woman's. [B]"That is Blue, who, along with myself and these two, were attacked by the Fixer. Rather unpleasant isn't it,"[/B] the penin gritted his teeth and clenched his fists before relaxing his hands again and continuing [B]"She thought Ixion,"[/B] he jabbed a thumb back at the man, [B]"was the real Fixer, she was sadly mistaken, as proven by the fact that we were attacked by the actual one. More accurate ta say that they were attacked and I came runnin' to investigate. As if my day hadn't been rough already,"[/B] he rubbed his temples a bit with one gauntlet covered hand before abruptly moving it away with irritation. He pulled each gauntlet off, one after the other, and stored them in his pack. He was, or at least appeared to be, totally at ease despite the guards before him. [B]"I intend to take these two men to a nearby inn, the one close to my shop, I'm sure you know it. They'll not be leaving town, so no reason to fret. If you're in need of further answers you can question them tomorrow, same 'ere. Been walkin' and dealin with chaos ever since I started making my way back,"[/B] the last bit he muttered to himself in annoyance. He hoped that dealing with that ore lizard would be worth it in the end. It was really too bad that its thrashing had done so much damage, otherwise he surely could've gained a magnificent hide from the creature.