I GIVE YOU.....SCAR! [hider=Enchanted Forest]Name: Taka "Scar" Appearance: PRE-CURSE[img=http://journeytothearena.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/manu-bennett-as-crixus-in-starz-spartacus-3.jpg] CURSED[img=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs17/f/2007/174/9/5/Lion_Man_by_Indecom.png] Additionally, he has scars slashing across his entire torso. Age: 35 Height: 6 feet, Six inches tall (9 feet tall when cursed.) Weight: 300 pounds solid muscle (500 pounds when cursed) Affiliation: None, save his daughter. Magic Capabilities: None, Weapons: He formerly used a sword, but has since left that behind, preferring to use his bare hands. Strengths: Superhumanly strong. Superhumanly durable, cunning. Extreme, unnecessary rage stemming from guilt. Weaknesses: His Daughter is his biggest soft spot. However, he's also quick to temper, and Relationships: Megara-Wife, deceased. [hider=Scar's Daughter,Calliope.][img=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_R-x1cw1GqU8/TKviMdN3jcI/AAAAAAAAADQ/BkMLhiefnxE/s1600/237_Mackenzie_09130977777677.png] Calliope-Daughter, age eight Brief Bio: Born and bred for war, Taka was once a decorated War General in the court of King George. He led armies into war, and yea, even his mere presence at battle seemed to assure Victory itself. But as a war general, he was ruthless, and often bloodthirsty. His methods were violent, and his tactics seemed to put not just his own men and his own life at risk, but the lives of civilians, women and children as well. He would burn entire villages, slaughter thousands if it meant securing victory for the crown. Yet, it was these very tactics that led to his downfall, as when his tactics reached King George, he denounced the war general, and had him imprisoned in the dungeons, awaiting death. Refusing to leave his child fatherless, he called on Rumplestiltskin, and cut a deal. He would live, but owe the man his daughter. Believing himself to be as cunning, if not more so than Rumplestiltskin, (Erroneously, on his part.) he tried to manipulate his way out of it, telling Rumplestiltskin in explicit language to go away. Rumplestiltskin agreed, but left a bottle for him to drink, which would end their bargain-or so he thought. Taka, who had long since earned his new name of Scar, drank the bottle, and his body was transformed into that of a Lion. Unable to fully process this, his mid was clouded over with a berserker rage, and in his madness, he brutally murdered and mutilated his wife, and was about to brutally murder his daughter when her face snapped him out of it. He then spent the next 12 years atoning for his wife, using his newfound size and strength as a mercenary, carrying his daughter with him wherever he went. Though his deeds were honorable, his methods were grim and violent. [/hider] [hider=Storybrooke]Name: Slade Irons Appearance:[img=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121130225100/arrow/images/3/3a/Manu_Bennett.png] Additionally, he has scars slashing across his entire torso. Height: 6 feet, Six inches tall Weight: 300 pounds solid muscle Age: 35 Status and Job: Pugilist/Owner, The Lion's Den Gym. Skills: Boxer, self defense, Mixed Martial Arts. Talents: talented boxer, is an excellent father, if overprotective. Strengths: insanely strong. Weaknesses: Hates math, balancing the books. Is dealing with conflicting memories due to the curse being broken. Relationships: [img=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_R-x1cw1GqU8/TKviMdN3jcI/AAAAAAAAADQ/BkMLhiefnxE/s1600/237_Mackenzie_09130977777677.png] Calleigh "Callie" Irons-Daughter, age 8 Brief Bio: Slade Jonathan Irons is not yet a well known figure in Storybrooke, Maine, but this is due to him being mostly reclusive. He regularly goes to Granny's every Saturday at lunch for fries, but works like a dog to stay at 1% body fat. He works as a boxer on the local circuit, and owns the Lion's den Gym. Recently, however, he has had conflicting visions, visions of another life, a much more violent life. Naturally, he shrugs these off as nothing, hoping to be strong for his daughter, but he can feel that these are not visions, but memories, and with his immense strength beginning to manifest itself, he fears what may become of him, and his daughter, as well as parts of his old personality beginning to bleed through. [/hider]