Due to recurring slow periods and the perceived apathy shown by the player-base, as well as the number of people gone for an indefinite amount of time due to RL issues, we have decided to cease with carrying this forward. As these days go on, posting here seems like more of a chore, something that needs to be done and then moved on from and less like what we originally envisioned. From Cairo's fanfics to everyone's characters, I've loved every moment of this RP and cherish the relationship we've all built with eachother. I am glad that I can call you all friends but I do think it is time we move on, lest we really start going out and beating dead horses. That's illegal, I'm sure. It has been an incredible 3 years, and we have often been humbled and amazed at the drive and ingenuity you've all shown throughout this game's life that really gave it a sense of weight and personality you seldom see in roleplays, and it was for that reason we were gladly your GMs and we tried hard to create a world worth sharing with you all. However, that spark and passion seems to have left this game and what used to be an activity the two of us spent entire nights plotting about and talking excitedly about its future has turned into something devoid of passion or effort; it's a story without drive or interest, and our frequent attempts at igniting something has almost universally fizzled out. It's become increasingly clear that nothing we do at this point will bring back the spark we all had for it, so it's time to bid Vengeance of the Deep a fond, but sad farewell and move onto other endeavors.