[quote=22xander] I'm not sure how to continue this... Gazimon has no evelution line...I also dont know how to set up a good Mega Object, I was thinking of something...also, my Gazimon has sunglasses at least, if not more. [/quote] I dunno Gazimon can digivolve into quite a few things. Like Evolves To Raremon, Cyclonemon, DarkTyrannomon, Devimon, Gargomon, Garurumon, Leomon, Lynxmon, Gatomon, Tuskmon, Kangarumon, Youkomon, Blimpmon, Deltamon, Devidramon, Dobermon, Wendigomon, Fangmon, Gargoylemon, Rabbitmon, Gesomon, Oryxmon, Grizzlymon, Manbomon, Moosemon, Nanimon, Pegasusmon, Salamandemon, Sangloupmon, Tortomon, Gaogamon, Vilemon, Dokugumon, Kokatorimon, Kiwimon, Boarmon, Sheepmon. But if need be, you could create a new one.