*Walks through the door and takes hat off* 'scuse me, I'm new here but I saw this on the main page and thought I'd add my two pennies. I had a similar discussion a lifetime ago on another forum, and oddly enough, the consensus boiled down to this: Dwarves aren't in any way sexy. Yup, that's what the bright bulbs over at Blizz came up with, and I sort of concurred. I guess, thinking about it, didn't they sex the dwarves up in the hobbit movies? I haven't seen them, but I remember someone saying the main wasn't the "fat, bulbous nosed and bearded compact war machine Dwarves are supposed to be. In fact, he was more like a short human." If that's the case, it lends the non-sexy theory a bit of um... strength? The idea that people will only play characters that they (perhaps in the darkest recesses of their minds) find sexy. I think Sigmund Freud floated a theory where anything creative we do is just our libidos being channelled into other means. Though that's straying from the beaten path. But hey ho, that's just what I have to add.