Well, nice to see that so many of you are interested. Anyway, here is hopefully the finished draft of the revised story. Still follows the genres but allows us to actually get things done. Edit: Music to go with [youtube]JsImncrvYpM[/youtube] "Sometimes we just forget what is real and what is not. That is the harsh reality of living in a city where science, art, religion; they all collide into one another and intermingle. Yet, nature is forgotten and left in the dust. In fact, there isn't even dust to be left behind; it is all cleaned up by the street cleaners or vacuumed up by the housewives and househusbands of New Tokyo. Then again, all they want to do is forget about the past and move on. The future always seems brighter when mirrored by the Crisis of 2032. But not this time, it is time for a change. Join the movement. Become a member of the New Tokyo Nature Triad. One Earth, One Life, One Change." The NTNT poster was plastered to the white boards of nearly ever teacher's rooms. They wanted to make a statement that 'The NTNT is not the right pathway for intelligent students like you.' as it was phrased by the schools Physical Education director. It was the typical thing all the teachers said before the graduating class left the school once and for all. This is where you come in at, you've graduated! It is a wonderful feeling to know you've succeed to graduate after all those years in school. It is a feeling the helps distract you from both the real world and what has been happening around you. You can't explain it but every time you are walking down the street, hallways or wherever really, you see something just out of the corner of your eye. A black figure that rushes away before you can get a good look at it. If you don't look directly at it, you notice that it seems to be following you like a stalker would. But, the black shadows never get closer than maybe ten feet to you and, if you abruptly stop, it seems that the shadow hides in impossible places such as small trash cans and underneath cars that ride low. When you try to sleep, you have glimpses of creatures as your eyes close. Fleeting images of beings with bug eyes and unnaturally long tongues. For the past few weeks, these nightmares and shadows have been on your minds at all times. Whenever you mention them to your friends and family they just laugh and say you are seeing things or overstressed. Truth is, you just might be overstressed. But for the past two weeks, you have had no reason to be overstressed since finals are over. Anyway, you were invited to a party thrown by one of the rich kids at school. Well, not exactly invited as everybody just sorted talked about there being a massive party with a possibility of alcohol and intense partying. It is a chance to take your mind off of the visions and let loose one last time before you go to college. Just stay safe and hope you parents don't find out what you are doing.