[quote=Jasonhero] Jason spun as something tapped him on the shoulder. His first thought since it came from the shadows was that it came from his father. Immediately a long blade rose from his pocket and floated in front of him. It glinted in the little light that entered the Shadow as Jason glared at the person. Although he soon recognized her as one of the others. His knife fell back to his pocket. "It is unwise to do that to me again if you intend to live. Some of us have different threats than the others in this room to watch out for." The boy growled [/quote] Roxy smiled as he raised his sword to her. She doubted that he could have harmed her but it was good to see that at least one of them could defend themselves. "It seems the two of us have more in common than just the ability to walk though the shadows. It is good to met you Jason. I look forward to seeing what else you can do."