"But this is my granddaughters room and you are not allow in her room on my and her friends you are not apart of it." Charles siad angry and was about ready to swing his cane at him for calling his grandchild a little bitch but his maid caught him. "Sir no he wants you to lash out at him to have you thrown out think of Amy she does not want to see or know you did this and do not give him the statisfaction of giving him what he wants." She said and that helped calmed Charles down a bit but he glared at spencer for he was against this man with every bit of his fibers. Amy slowly sat up for she could tell no one notied that she was awake yet and she got out of bed and slowly then walked over to them. Charles head maid noticed and looed shocked. "Lady Amy you just had Surgery not long ago you need to stay in bed." SHe siad and went to her and she collapsed a bit in the maids arms. "Amy." Charles siad and went to her as the Head maid helped her back into bed no noticing that Amy pushed the Nurse call button calling a nurse in there fro she wanted this spencer guy out.