[quote=Keyblade87] Tim chuckled and smiled. "I can assure you this is no trap but everything will be explained soon." He said looking to the doors of the warehouse. [/quote] "But that's what you'd say if this were a trap. So how do we know what you say is the truth, or part of the trap?" Ivy said, finally making her not-so-grand entrance. She nonchalantly strolled in the warehouse doors, this time wearing a ridiculous skirt with striped stockings, a jacket one size too big for her, and an absurdly large pink revolver in one hand. Her face was covered in makeup not dissimilar to Harley Quinn's. "I didn't realize the freak show was in town heheh" she chuckled as she eyed everyone's silly looking costumes. "Now how much longer until we start this little, errr, group therapy session?"