Real Name: Thomas Reese Blake Code name: Catman Prison Inmate #: 666 Appearance: [img][/img] Thomas stands at about six feet and three inches. he is very muscular and has bright blonde hair. His body is almost rugged as well as ripped which is a sign of many years of getting into intense physical fights with enemies. History: Thomas Blake was born in Chicago Illinois to an average family. from an early age he always had a love of cats of all sizes and getting a cat as a christmas present was one of the best gifts that had gotten for a long time. one might say that he acted like a cat sometimes and was really good at sneaking and climbing trees and walls. he also had a knack for getting into trouble such as stealing treats and minor trinkets. It was minor offenses but when he got caught, the owner of something he had stolen beat him up very badly and he had to go to the hospital. this experience made him feel more vulnerable and he started to train himself in martial arts to make himself feel safe and he started fighting at school and violently beating students that pissed him off. Eventually he was expelled and was given counseling. He decided that he would need to wait until he was an adult to let the beast out and then he wouldn't have any ties that would hold him down. Eventually his eighteenth birthday came and he went on a lone trip to the savannas of Africa where the great wildcats roamed free. he felt more at peace among the great open grasslands of the mysterious continent. But all this peace ended not too long after his arrival when he saw poachers slaughter an entire pride of lions just for their fur and he was filled with a terrible rage and mercilessly attacked and killed the poachers. from then on he was changed and he returned to the states and became a costumed criminal. his first hunting ground was Gotham city and he had regular violent encounters with Batman and the other vigilantes of the dark city. His skills made him very dangerous and racked up a profit in stealing great amounts of money and became very infamous for his vandalism when he became a mercenary for hire. Eventually he was taken down by a team effort of Batman and his bat family included a couple other vigilantes. He was sent to Belle Reve prison and was expected to spend most of life in the institution. But soon he was approached by Amanda Waller and became a member of the Suicide Squad. Powers/Abilities: Catman is an Olympic-level athlete and skilled hand-to-hand combatant, able to hold his own against some of the most proficient beings and fighters in the DC universe, including Bronze Tiger, Batman, and an actual lion. He is also one of the world's foremost hunters and trackers, possessing an extraordinary sense of smell. He wears razor-tipped gauntlets and uses a sharp-edged Catarang, modeled after Batman's Batarang, and a utility belt similar to Batman's.