[center ][u ][b ]Character Name(First, Middle, Last and then any sort of Aliases[/u ][/b ][/center ] [center ][img ] Apperance[/img ][/center ] ---- [b ][u ]Age:[/b ][/u ](17-20) [b ][u ]Personality:[/b ][/u ](At least a paragraph) [b ][u ]Fears & Likes:[/b ][/u ](For each Like there should be a Fear. This section is optional) [b ][u ]Backstory:[/b ][/u ](2-3 paragraphs are good.) ---- [b ][u ]Out of School Activities:[/b ][/u ](Is your character involved in any OSAs? If so, list them here. Optional) [b ][u ]GPA:[/b ][/u ](Did your character get As and Bs or perhaps they were lower than that or higher? I don't want all characters to have a 4.0 GPA or a 2.0 GPA) [b ][u ]Relationship Status:[/b ][/u ] (Is your character single, dating or what?) [b ][u ]Sexual Preference:[/b ][/u ](As a slice of life there will be romance so this is needed} [b ][u ]Classes Enrolled in:[/b ][/u ](What classes are you enrolled in? Maximum of 6 classes minimum of 2. You're a senior after all. Classes should reflect GPA. Low GPAs would not be in college level classes.) [b ][u ]Post-High School Aspirations:[/b ][/u ](What do you want to do after you graduate? Why?) [b ][u ]Job:[/b ][/u ](Do you currently have a Job?) [b ][u ]Available money:[/b ][/u ](How much money do you have? All money will be counted as dollars. Remember you are a Senior so you are probably driving to school or leaving to buy food so this will flucuate over time.) Rules: 1. No Bobs or Marys. Nothing against the name but it is just an example. I don't want plain characters who seem like your everyday person. Write your character as you feel they should be while keeping in mind that they have been seeing things for the past few weeks. 2. No perfects. Perfects are characters who seem to pop up all the time who are perfect at everything. Example: A character is is skilled at Archery, Swordsmanship, Horse riding and everything else. Don't do that. I am fine with characters who try to be perfect but I don't want any characters who are perfect. 3.No management jobs. Your seniors and have probably been working for two years now. You would not be in a management level job no matter how hard you have worked. 4. GPA. I know what you are thinking 'But why can't we all have 4.0 GPAs?'. Well it is pretty simple. GPAs reflect how well you turned in work in school and the grades you made on said work. In no way are they measures of intelligence. So, I don't want everybody to have a 4.0 since not everybody will try as hard as those who do have 4.0s since, honestly, this is high school folks. 5. Money. You are not rich, you parents could be but you are not. If you are working a job you are probably getting payed $7.25 or $7.50 an hour. Majority of you probably will not have the money to drive a car all that often since your parents won't pay for gas. 6. The last and most important rule. Write only what you feel you should write. Your goal here is to make a character that you [b]want[/b] to play as. You are not here to write a character for me. I am just here to approve the character and suggest changes if the need be.