[center][img=http://share.gifyoutube.com/y7W43Y.gif][/center] [i]"Come on Cold! Where's yer' sense of loyalty mate?" "That loyalty went straight of the window when you broke our rules, Digger." Digger Harkness swore under his breath, kicking angrily at an upturned chair as he did so. He furrowed his brow before moving his phone slowly back up to his ear. "Come'on mate!" He pleaded, his eyes darting frantically at the laboratory around him. "We're the frickin' Rogues! We're family." "Not anymore, [b]mate[/b]." Snarled the reply. "You're on your own now." And with that the phone went dead.[/i] --- [center][b]Approximately 1 Month Later[/b][/center] Captain Boomerang awoke to a sort of pain emitting from his side. He groaned loudly, moving his hand to inspect what seemed to be the problem. He couldn't feel anything, although Digger knew in a heartbeat what it was. One of the guard's electric batons from the night before. Rolling on his back, he tried to put together what had happened. They had come to his cell last night. Commanded him to move. Beaten him when he had refused. Beaten him until he had blacked out. "Bloody' pricks" he mumbled to himself slightly as he moved his hand up to wipe his brow. His gloved hand as he was confused to discover. Sitting up he shot his eyes down to discover that he was wearing his suit. Not one of the formal kind either. His business suit, the whole ensemble including his scarf and hat. The Australian furrowed his brow once more, scratching one of his sideburns. What the hell was going on? Why would the guards dress him? Perverts. Glancing to his left he spotted something. Well someone to be exact! Laying there, fast asleep was none other than the legend assassin, Deathstroke. Rubbing his eyes, he stifled a yawn. Why on Earth would Deathstroke of all people be here with him. Why the hell were they both in costumes? "Hey whut do yer' know?" He smiled, slapping the sleeping man's leg. "I've got a new roommate! Looks like today m' lucky..." That was when he finally noticed the red and black seemingly vortex of death which swirled around him. Digger's eyes widened as he released who this was. The god damn Reverse-Flash. Instantly he darted to his feet, swearing as he did so. Sure Captain Boomerang was used to going toe to toe with the Flash but this guy was something else. From the few times the Rogues had faced him, he'd been ruthless. If there was one guy that the Rogues hated more than the Flash it was him. Every one of them dreamed of finishing with him, a dream Digger decided now would be a great time to fulfill. Reaching to his utility belt he whipped out his weapon of choice. A boomerang. "You better bugger' off, mate!" He shouted loudly. "Or by god, I'll blind yer', you piece of filth!"