@Raineh Daze: Replacement accepted. @Lord Santa: Well, starting out with those sounds fine to me. @TheRider: Hm. Well, at least Tanya would only glare at him in that case. ^^; Hmm. I'm sorry it's taking so long to make this decision, but at this point I don't really see any more issues with his bio, so he's accepted. @Sadko: The presentation of your bio threw me off, but I don't see anything in particular wrong. I'm going to double-check but your bio looks fine. @The Patriarch: Hm. I'm still a bit bothered that you didn't really explain what you intended for gnomes or anything before posting the bio. I said I'm willing to be flexible with races, but I still want to know what you're intending before you go ahead and post the bio and I did ask twice. I'm waiting to start this until we have a healer(Rin is making one), since that's pretty vital. Until then, I'm going to be updating the first post with more general setting information, so keep an eye out! Edit: First post updated!