Hmmm... This is a well-written sheet, but I feel like she seems like a comic-book character. But, we can work with her. She can be a tough-girl martial artist. That's fine. She can be a hero-type. Which is also fine (Long as she doesn't piss off NEST). Her parents could have been killed, shot herself, and thrown on the streets. She's going to need [i]some[/i] psychological repercussions (Which going off her personality section, she doesn't any). But some parts of it seem contrived. For example: [quote]It wasn't until she met Ted Grant that her life turned around. The owner of a MMA gym, she had tried to pickpocket him unsuccessfully. Strangely, instead of turning her over to the police, he took her to his gym and offered to let her stay there as long as she needed. Ted's reasoning was that he grew up in a neighbourhood much like Maki's, and he was lucky enough to find his way out. Now he tried to pay it forward by letting homeless teenagers like her stay at his gym. It wasn't for free, however - in exchange for food and lodging, she trained there and helped clean up the place as an assistant. She learned much and under his guidance, left most of her old life behind her. She even started going to church.[/quote] Sorry, but this really seems like a forced way for her to learn martial arts. I mean she just pick-pocketed someone who just so happened to take her in and teach her to fight? That does seem a little forced. Also. [quote]Secondly, the range is limited. She cannot teleport to her own room in the library from across town even if she knows it well enough. By her estimates, she can travel up to a hundred meters. [/quote] This is pretty far actually. Around three-hundred feet by my calculations. Which is again, fine. But I'm going have to ask you to give her another weakness. Other than that, the sheet is fine. [quote=Leonerdo] She will only be accepted if she is the hero that Gotham deserves, but not the one that it needs. [/quote] gtfo