Figured that since I might write Creed's actions from time to time, I should write him a sheet. [hider=Creed Boggs]Name: Creedence C. Boggs Gender: Male Age: 25 Height: 6'0 Weight: 220 lbs Home District: Courtwall Harbor Appearance Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown Ethnicity: Caucasian (His ancestry is a mix of several European countries) Physical Appearance: Creed is as attractive as someone with the surname "Boggs" can be. Although his ears stick out like his younger brother, he has a chisled jaw, pouty lips, and eyes that seem to stare through others. He is tall, at an even six feet, and goes to the gym every other day. His skin isn't as pale as his younger brother, but far from tan. His face, while attractive, shows signs of violence. His left eyebrow has a scar dividing it where he had once been stabbed, which he hides with an eyebrow pencil. His nose, although fairly straight, is crooked in places it had been broken upon close inspection. These features, even though detrimental to most, have only helped Creed's "Bad Boy" image. His wardrobe is mostly tight, and black. The majority of his tops are t-shirts and polo shirts, whereas all of his bottoms are black slacks or jeans. Nothing he owns is too loose or too tight. Although Creed almost always wears suspenders and combat boots, he has no problem adopting a less suspicious look when he needs to. Personality: Where being poor made his younger brother humble, it made Creed hungry. Where the loss of their parents made Lenny lonely, it made Creed angry. The only binding trait Creed has with his brother is fear. Lenny's status as a metahuman makes him fearful of non-metahumans, whereas Creed fears a multitude of things. These traits, hunger, anger, and fear, are the driving forces behind Creed's personality. Creed believes his parent's car accident was an act of sabotage, inflicted upon his family for being metahumans. Ironically, this has led him to become the hateful racist he is today. Creed believes metahumans are the next stage of human evolution, and that they should be proud of their powers and abilities. On the other side of the same coin, he believes all non-white races are [i]less[/i] evolved, and should not intermarry with caucasians. Creed's anger manifests itself with wanton violence. He silently reaches a boiling point, and when it's reached, starts throwing punches without a second thought. His younger brother, Lenny, is the most common victim of this violence, but it's by no means exclusive to him. His fellow gang members, past girlfriends, and strangers passing by in the night have all been on the wrong side of his anger. Secondly, Creed hungers for power, which is another fundamental part of his personality. His powers play a large role in this desire, as well as his low class. He despises being labled poor, and tries to hide this whenever possible. Luckily for him, he's able to convince people of money he doesn't have just with his words. Although usually successful, he is prone to snap when his social class is called into question. Creed's desire for power also comes from a place of weakness. With mandated registration for metahumans, Creed feels weak and vulnerable, and so, he purposefully hid his powers from the public eye. With a family on food stamps, Creed felt weak, and so he gets others to buy things [i]for[/i] him. Creed desires power to hide the fact that deep down, he is weak. Lastly, Creed is a fearful young man, moreso even than his younger brother. There is little Creed doesn't fear. Most obviously, Creed fears minorities. Creed fears being found out as a metahuman, harm coming to his younger brother, his plans for the future failing, the list goes on and on. Creed's fears come from the same deep-seated place as his weakness. And like his weakness, Creed masks this too. Creed masks his fears with hate. Creed is by no means a good person. He's a [i][b]bad[/i][/b] person. However, no person is completely bad, and Creed is not an exception to this. At his worst, Creed is a violent racist who frequently attacks his younger brother, women, and strangers. He believes he comes from two master races, being metahuman and white, and looks down on all others. At his best, Creed is a weak, frightened young man, who hides behind his hatred to feel more powerful. Creed is a coin with two scratched sides. Hobbies/Interests: Creed is an avid pool player, and enjoys complex math problems. In his spare time, he enjoys working on his car, and hanging out with his friends and fellow gang members. Skills/Talents: Creed's largest skill is his charisma. Even when not using his powers, Creed is capable of being charming and personable, even with hate symbols adorning his clothes. Creed has many friends in The Dead End, even outside of The Iron Eagles, as he's good at solving disputes. At the same time, although he's charismatic, he can be incredibly intimidating if he needs to be. Although this is also something that can be done with his powers, being known for violence and facism, with a gang of thirty or so guys behind him, Creed doesn't need to try very hard to be feared. Prized Possession: Creed owns nothing more than clothes and a car. Even his room has nothing more than an inflatable mattress and a blanket. History/Bio: Creedence Clearwater Boggs was born at home, in a small apartment in Courtwall Harbor. His parents, having moved from Georgia five years earlier, carried their outdated beliefs and politics with them to Black Falls. Raised in this environment from birth, and thereby through his most impressionable years, Creed grew up with a distinct distrust for people who didn't look like him or spoke another language. This was escalated by growing up in the neighborhood he called home. Both of Creed's parents were metahumans, and some of the few caucasians in their immigrant neighborhood of factory workers in Courtwall Harbor. His father's skin was undeniably green, with small patches of scales. His mother, on the other hand, would accidentally freeze things when she'd touch them. They were feared and hated by their neighbors, frequently coming home to messages scrawled upon their door. Naturally, this only provided fuel for their racist beliefs, which Creed took even more strongly than his parents. Not only did he harbor feelings of racial superiority learned from his parents, he also began to believe that metahumans were superior to humans. One such neighbor was Miguel Vasquez. Living in the apartment next door to them, Joseph made several complaints to the superintendant, child services, and Creed and Lenny's school. He believed the two parents were unfit to raise children for their dangerous abilities, and made no effort to hide that belief -- He hated metahumans as much as the Boggs' hated him for his race. One night, after a loud argument with Miguel, Creed's parents piled into their car, and began to drive to the police station. On the drive there, the car slid off-road, killing both of them instantly. Although ruled an accident, Creed believes it was caused by their neighbor. Shortly after being put into the custody of their grandmother, Creed decided to take revenge. Late one evening, Creed visited his old apartment building, and waited for Miguel to come home. When he did, Creed used his powers to force Miguel to let Creed into the apartment, give him a large sum of money he had been hiding under his mattress, and finally, jump from his eighth story window. Growing up, Creed was the leader of his house, frequently bringing in money through nefarious activities. This role was reflected in his involvement with The Iron Eagles, a gang of likeminded youths in The Dead End. He quickly rose through their rankings to become leader, where he remains now. Family: Grandmother - Susan Boggs Brother - Lenny Boggs Relationships Lenny | Mixed Feelings | Brother| "Sometimes Lenny pisses me off and I smack the shit outta him, sometimes he helps me out and I don't. He's a good kid, though." | Susan Boggs | Ambivalent | Grandmother | "She just sits there most days. Fine by me." | The Iron Eagles | Pride | Gang | "Best group of guys I know. Hardworking Americans who are proud of their heritage." | Abilities Power Class & Rating: Cerebral 8 Power: Creed can impose his will on others with a sort of "Jedi Mind-Trick". When activating his powers, his pupils shrink slightly, and the veins on his neck bulge -- This minor physical change has allowed him to hide his status as a metahuman from NEST for his whole life. When this change is activated, Creed's statements become fact to those who can hear him. If Creed says "You are going to let me inside", the person he's speaking to would immediately open the door for him. If Creed says "You can't swim", that person would forget ever knowing how to swim. Creed's mind-control is only at it's height when he is controlling the weak-willed. Weaknesses/Drawbacks: Creed can't make the impossible happen. While convincing a terrorist to bomb an American embassy would be easy, he couldn't give the same command to a politician. Getting the average joe to forget how to play chess would be easy, but it would be impossible to do the same for a chess champion. Integral parts of people's personalities can't be controlled or erased. Additionally, some people can resist Creed's mind control simply by having very strong wills. Former soldiers and experienced metahumans would be able to resist, unlike their civillian counterparts. Lastly, Creed can't control a telepath, or any metahuman with cerebral powers. Trying to would feel like being punched in the head, and the few times he's tried to control a cerebral metahuman have given him intense migraines and nosebleeds. Sample Post: "I'd like to welcome you all to this month's meeting." Creed said calmly into his microphone. The Iron Eagles had their meetings in the back room of The Doghouse, a small dive bar in The Dead End. There were about twenty people at the meeting, sitting in steel foldout chairs. Most of them looked like Creed. Tough, with shaved heads and shined boots. The Iron Eagles didn't carry a uniform, but they had an insignia. Many of the members wore on it their jackets or tattooed it on their skin, decorating themselves with an eagle holding an iron cross. Aside from the members, there were a few younger looking teenagers, mostly in hoodies and ballcaps. [i]Recruits.[/i] Some looked nervous, others looked excited. They all looked dangerous. "Before we begin this month's discussion and planning, I'd like to address the new faces I see in the crowd." He flashed a smile, nodding towards the teenagers. He cleared his throat, readying himself for the speech that he had given dozens, maybe hundreds of times. "The Iron Eagles is all about pride. It was an institution of pride when I entered it, it'll stay an institution of pride while I run it, and it'll only house the proud when I'm cold and dead. Secondly, it is about brotherhood." He looked up from his podium, to look at his audience. He always used his powers at recruitment ceremonies, just to be safe. He wasn't yet, though. Too soon. "The Iron Eagles is a band of brothers. Strong, proud, hardworking brothers. If any of you don't think that's what you want, the door is open." He pointed to the door at the back of the room, which creaked ominously. Truthfully, if any of them tried to back out at this point, they'd be beaten into an ER, but he wasn't about to say so. "If you're not proud of your heritage, of your country, there's the door. If you're a lone wolf who thinks he can make it in this world with just himself, there's the door. If you come from a well-off enough background, there's the door." He repeated his phrase over and over, slamming his fist on his podium and pointing with each iteration of 'door'. It didn't frighten the boys in front of him. It [i]inspired[/i] them. They all fit into those categories not because they were destined to join a gang, but because Creed knew what kind of teenagers would want to join a hate group. They were bullied, had few friends, and were all of the same ethnicity. Like he had once been. "If you want to make the world a better place through force of action," He said, pausing, "Then you've come to the right place." His small audience began to applaud, hooting and hollering and clapping. Creed prepared himself for delivering the final blow. His pupils shrank, and the veins in his neck bulged slightly. It was impossible to see his eyes from this distance, and his veins could be attributed to shouting. "If you're like the rest of these fine men..." He shut his eyes tightly for a second, and opened them wide, practically staring through each member of the crowd. [b][u]"You want to join."[/b][/u] There was a split second lul in the crowd's activity, as the eyes of the teenagers in the crowds glazed over for a moment, before they began cheering even more loudly than they did before. It worked, as it always had. Creed had a new set of recruits.[/hider]