[quote=Revans Exile]1) If Cyber was indestructable there would be no need to leave a piece behind in case of destruction. That would be illogical. An EMP could permanently disable her, that is not indestructible. 2) Only if Cyber bothers to learn it, if Cyber doesn't see the need to learn something Cyber will not ever possess that knowledge. I actually made her stupider than I originally created her. 3) Data from Star Trek The Next Generation tv series and movies would disagree with that statement. 4) I just read about the movie. Your assessment of the movie is completely off. Will Caster didn't survive the movie, so I don't see how Will fell under the category of 'can't be destroyed' or 'able to overcome any opposition without any problems whatsoever'. 5) Any entity that is a teenager that fights crime is a teen crime fighter regardless of abilities, powers, or success.[/quote] 1) Your Character IS basically indestructible in that so long as one nanite is still intact, Cyber will be able to survive. Just because you can be shut down does not mean you can be destroyed. Even if you were shut down killing you would be a lot like cleaning sand off of the sidewalk. the only way to kill you is with something like the [url=http://ansible.wikia.com/wiki/Molecular_Disruption_Device]Little Doctor[/url] from Enders Game. 2) Bothering to learn a fighting style is not the issue I have it is that after watching a character fight for only seconds you can know how to perfectly counter all their attacks. Also seeing as you can synthesize a virus at any time all you need to do to take someone down is swarm them and give them a Nero virus. 3) Data was a robot with a program that made him strive to become human in all actions. He would learn and mimic humans. You are not Data. 4) I have seen Transcendence and the only reason he died was because he chose to. In the previous parts he was able to stop people from even getting close to his labs, and revive people who are dead. 5) WRONG! just completely wrong. In all that I have seen and read the Titans in Young justice had mane encounters they could not handle as individuals, and sometimes even had to call for the justice league to back them up. Your character is so powerful that you could, single-handed, take down anyone short of a god.