“Genesis” If you want to discover just what there is in a man — give him power. -Francis Trevelyan Miller Day 1 – Thursday A metallic sphere like object was the focus of a dimly lit laboratory. Among the people in the room were a mixture of men in lab coats and suits. And some sort of laser also of exotic design was being activated and pointed towards the sphere. Some of the people in the room where taking down notes, and near the sphere were two shirtless men both heavily sedated tied down to two separate tables. “Do you honestly think this will work?” One of the older gentlemen in the room said in reference to all the commotion in the room while observing men putting in some data into various computers. The man he was speaking to was much younger, although dressed no less formal then his superior. “I think we’re on the verge of something ground breaking, something that’ll change the course of human history, something that’ll make this nation proud, and give us an effective tool to wipe out any obstacles in our path, this will work, it has too, we’ve put too much time, effort, and resources into it for any other outcome to be a slight possibility, I guarantee you.” The man spoke with extreme confidence, completely putting his whole faith into the current operation taking place. The laser like device began making several noises indicating it was starting up, and the sides of the device were illuminated with blue light. As the machine roared to life the lights blaring from it’s sides began to spread across the room. The energy began gathering in the center of the device releasing a beam directed towards the orb. As the concentrated beam of energy penetrated the rock, the bodies of the two men nearby began shaking violently, and energy was seen coursing from the sphere into their bodies. Slowly but surely the laser began gathering more power, the intensity of the beam increasing, and the power of the operation taking place seemed to radiate through the room. The brightness in the room was increasing rapidly becoming too much to handle by the naked eyes, while the bodies of the soldiers began to shake more violently with their cuffs beginning to break. Only seconds passed before tremors spread throughout not only the room but the entire facility, an indicator that whatever powers being harnessed were beyond the men’s control. “Turn it off!! Now! Sir! We need to stop the project now; a reaction on this level was not estimated! The Subjects bodies won’t be able to handle the infusion of energy! Hell this fucking facility might not survive the damn transfusion, turn it off now!!!!!” One of the scientists began barking others, and others began feeling concerned as the facility ground was starting to tear open. The older gentlemen was about to speak, when his younger partner spoke up. “Shut the fuck up! We’ve come too far to stop the operation, turn it all the way up! Maximum output now!” “Sir do you realize what you’re asking, we can’t afford to release any more energy, the risk is too high as is, there’s too many unknown’s that you’re not considering. Listen to me for one fucking second you’-“ Bang.. The man’s protests were interrupted courtesy of a bullet in his chest. The younger agent raised his weapon towards the scientists closest to the control panel. “MAXIMUM output now unless you want to end up like you’re friend, NO ONE disobeys a fucking order!” The other’s operating the machine were reeling in fear as they seemed to be stuck in a rock and a hard place. The tremors were intensifying with the cracks in the ground widening, while lights began to flicker on and off in the facility. The older agent raised his weapon firing a bullet into the air. That seemed to do the trick as the other scientist fearing for his own life put the machine to full power. Huge beams of energy surged forward from the laser into the sphere causing it to began glowing with power and spinning rapidly. The emergency alarm systems were activated in the facility, as the orb began spinning out of control levitating into the air. “ Holy…shi-“ And then it happened. A massive burst of energy tore through the room, the huge mass of energy rising into the sky rapidly. The mass of energy tore through the clouds above them simultaneously causing a black out across San Francisco. As soon as the lights went out the huge mass of energy dispersed into several thinner beams of energy naked to the human eye raining down on an unexpected target..The University of San Francisco. Strips of this exotic energy were infused with numerous unsuspecting college students and that is how the story begins. ………………………………………………………………………………. Day 2 – Friday “WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LETS GET FUCKED UP BRUH!!!!” Floyd yelled with a red solo cup in hand, and a 40 in the other hand. Loud music was blaring in the back-ground, as Floyd raised the 40 up proclaiming loudly that he would chug it. With people cheering him on and Waka Flocka Flame in the back ground he chugged down the Budweiser before tossing the bottle to the ground yelling. He stumbled over the empty broken 40 while taking a sip from his far more potent beverage in the cup while his friend rushed over to him clearly far drunker then him. “YOOO KALEP!!” As he was daping up friend the ignorant music in the background died down with a new song starting up. “Yah, bad bitches is the, yah..” The intro to Rae Sremmund’s song only served to further hype up the party, as Kalep who had a bottle of rum in his other hand began pouring it’s contents into Floyd’s cup. “CHUG THAT SHIT!!!!!!” “Fuck it…” Floyd was inebriated and no doubt with the additional liquor in his coke and rum, the taste of alcohol would be overwhelming. But there comes a point in every night…when you stop bitching about the taste of alcohol, because you can’t even taste it anymore. He raised his cup up and began chugging the contents before tossing the red solo cup to the ground and stepping on it with force. “ I DON’T GOT NO TYPE, BAD BITCHES IS THE ONLY THING THAT I LIKE! YOU AINT GOT NO LIFE CUPS WITH THE ICE AND WE DO THIS EVERY NIGHT! WHOOOO!!!!!!!” Floyd began screaming the lyrics along with his friends happy, knowing if he was this drunk now it was only about to get better with all the liquor he just put in his system. That however was one of the last memories he could recall from that Thursday night. The next thing he knew he was coming too..and he was far from the fraternity house he was partying in. “Awwh fuck…” He struggled to force his eyes open, and grimaced as he began taking note of his surroundings. He leaned forward and stretched his neck which was very uncomfortable. He was in the back seat of someone’s car, and it reeked of stale smoke. Looking down at the ash tray he saw two extremely small roach’s, so his hunch was right he’d hotboxed last night, and seeing as he was nowhere near the party he was guessing someone in the front drove. Seeing as how both of the people in the front were passed out he figured they had pulled this off drunk, probably blacked out. “Fuckk…on my reckless shit..Mike??” Turning to the right he saw his room-mate also in the back passed out. Although he shared with him the scent of stale reefer it didn’t mean he indulged in the illegal party favors. Anyone who hotboxed in a car this tight was bound to smell regardless of whether they passed on the blunt. The best part about all of this, it was the first Friday of the semester, so his first week of college was a definite success. He didn’t give a damn about that though he wanted to know where the hell he was, and he pushed his car down open exposing himself to the sun blaring in his eyes. Only for the first time ever the sun didn’t blind him by staring it, it felt good. It felt better then good, it felt great, it felt incredible. He stumbled forward as he realized he hadn’t felt this increadible. Somehow from the time he stepped out the car and onto the pavement, there was a huge improvement on his mood. What he was feeling was the equivalent of a half a gram of molly, hell a whole gram mixed with some pure cocaine and top shelf bud. Hell even better then that, more euphoria then at the peak of a good trip. “Holyyy….Fucking…” He looked at his hands that were shaking in a way remniescient to when he indulged in too many stimulants. He fell to his knees in sheer pleasure, as he was unable to fight against the smile creeping up on his face. “Oh my fucking GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!” He began screaming unable to control his arms as he felt better then ever collapsing on the ground laughing so happy he was on the verge of tears. “Oh ym GOD OH M GOD OH MY GOOOODO!!! THIS IS AWESOME!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” “Oh my god..what is this..this..this…is the best …shit…ever!!!!! He continued to yell out in pleasure while laughing as tears rolled down his eyes.