Here's my character; I'll change things and make edits as requested, Dawnstar. [hider=Andy Hughes] [center][u][b]Andy Hughes[/u][/b][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] --- [b][u]Age:[/b][/u] 18 [b][u]Personality:[/b][/u] Andy's a very social creature. He'll try to befriend anyone and everyone, and generally enjoys anyone's company, as long as they aren't complete assholes. He's very empathic, almost always understanding how a person feels, though not necessarily why. Goofball is his middle name, as he greatly enjoys having a good joke, and is caught messing around frequently. Note that this doesn't make him a troublemaker; while he occasionally stirs things up, it's rarely on purpose, and he always makes sure that no one gets hurt. He rarely makes an effort in school, something that his parents and teachers frequently berate him for. While he's a goofball at heart, Andy also has a very mature and sensible side. He hates seeing people suffering, be it mentally or physically, trying his hardest to help them out. His sense of justice is strong, often exploding in anger when witnessing an injustice. Even though it isn't his job, Andy feels a responsibility to help others in need, often putting others' needs in front of his, not caring for the effects it has on him. [b][u]Fears & Likes:[/b][/u] Andy's greatest fear is to be helpless, to be unable to act. In situations where he is, he often breaks down, either in anger or in tears. He loves having a good time, and this applies to everything he does (parties, exercise, school, etc). [b][u]Backstory:[/b][/u] Born in Australia, Andy lived there for ten years before moving to New Tokyo with his parents, who both received job offers there that were far better in conditions and pay. The social creature that he is, it wasn't long before Andy found friends at his new school, and he soon found himself loving the city just as much as he loved Australia. However, not everyone liked the boy, and many teachers began trying to get him kicked out for the many practical jokes he pulled on them. Eventually, Andy's parents enrolled him in an MMA club, hoping that the exercise would both discipline him and allow him to channel his energy away from practical jokes. While neither hopes came to be, Andy absolutely loved it, and he continued to participate well into his teen years. Now, at age eighteen, Andy is graduating from high school, and he has no idea what he wants to do. All he knows is that there's going to be an awesome party soon, and that he most certainly will be going. He never turns down the opportunity to have fun, especially not when it could be the only way to get the nightmares he's been having out of his head. --- [b][u]Out of School Activities:[/b][/u] Andy has been engaging in Mixed Martial Arts since he was eleven, and has gotten quite skilled at it. [b][u]GPA:[/b][/u] 2.5 [b][u]Relationship Status:[/b][/u] Single [b][u]Sexual Preference:[/b][/u] Heterosexual [b][u]Classes Enrolled in:[/b][/u] English, Math, Science, German, Social Studies and Physical Education (the only class he excels in). [b][u]Post-High School Aspirations:[/b][/u] Andy has no idea, simply because he hasn't given it much thought. Open a club, maybe. He always did like parties. [b][u]Job:[/b][/u] Andy is currently an instructor in his MMA club, working on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 18:30 till 20:30. He started the job at age seventeen, and earns $20 per lesson he teaches, 20% of which goes towards his training fees. [b][u]Available money:[/b][/u] $390 [/hider]