[b] Enrique-The B&B- Emma [/b] Enrique bent down and picked up the knife, he tossed it to Buck. He motioned for everyone to walk to the bed and breakfast, he pointed to Berkley and then to the shed. Berkley understood and moved to the shed checking for weapons or fuel. Enrique himself walked back to the Bed and Breakfast and instructed the rest of the scouts excluding Trey to go and unload the trucks, and then hide them nearby, and to remove to keys. He wanted to be as careful as possible, so long as no one knew where they were they could be safe. After everything was loaded inside the Pack was tasked with securing the bed and breakfast, looking for any side entrances, covering all the windows with cloth and cardboard and paper. Everyone restocked on ammo and got some food, Enrique had Trey tie Emma's hands but she could still wander around. She would be sleeping in a bedroom upstairs where Trey was to watch her. Enrique himself was sleeping in a corner on the ground floor, with a view of the front door. He had a small gas burner in front of him heating up a can of beans. Colton was sitting in a small wicker chair and cleaning his rifle, the two were having a casual conversation about the time before all this. And the movie that Buck had quoted earlier, Gladiator. Enrique was thinking about Sylar in the back of his mind, it wasnt exactly his worst fight but he could have done better. He thought about how Amanda would have reacted, then remembered it was Sylars fault. The bastard was the reason she was dead, he set the fire. It peeved at Enrique that there was no proof, it was unprovoked, but it helped him to have someone to blame. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, he shook one out and held it in his mouth. He stretched out his left leg and raised himself off the ground a bit so that he could reach into his back pocket, he felt the lighter and brought it out of his pocket. He lit his cigarette and then stuffed the lighter in his pocket. He took a short drag off the cigarette and then tapped the ashes off of it. "Man I miss the old days, when it was simple, good guys and bad guys. Not scrounging for food, everyone for themselves no good, no bad, just people. And we gotta do what we gotta do to keep our people alive, and I fucking hate that. I have gone so far over the edge that I've just lost sight of the morality. I killed Sylar like it was nothing, I would have killed that kid who was aiming the rifle at me. Hell I fucking cut Georges throat for mentioning Amanda." He took another long drag and blew the smoke upwards looking at the ceiling, "I think I'm loosing it Colton, I feel like I'm not just a survivor, I feel like a fucking bad guy." "With all due respect," Colton said looking up from his rifle, "Bottle that shit up. If you loose your nerve, we get fucked. Understand? You are our leader, if you start having some emotional fucking crisis in the apocalypse, people die! And its a weakness to have those emotions, these guys? The Pack? They respect and love you out of fear, fear that if you arent leading them someone worse will. That they'll die without your leadership, so you bottle that emotion shit up." Enrique smiled and looked at the intensity in Colton's eyes, he let out a chuckle and flicked the ash off his cigarette. "You are almost scary," He said laughing a bit. He took a final drag of his cigarette and then tossed the nub, he pulled the beans off the fire and began eating them with his knife blade. They were piping hot but it felt good, like warmth rising from his stomach. It made him chuckle and he offered some to Colton who graciously accepted. He was