So, that was that, then. With the introductions done, the group dispersed temporarily, some moving to explore their surroundings while others deigned to stay and see what happened. Zach, himself, simply crouched down and examined the ground beneath him, the grass and other plant-life swaying in the breeze. He squinted in concentration as he parted the grass, pinching a bit of dirt between his fingers. It felt a little bit like that silly putty he used to play with when he was younger. Strange. Digging around a bit more, he tried looking for any bugs and the like, but there didn't seem to be any around. Though, he did notice that there were a lot of different types of dirt the more he dug, and he started digging larger holes in an effort to uncover something more interesting, flinging the stuff around in the process. He was busy playing with a particularly sticky glob of dirt when he heard Professor speak. Wondering if the cycle, continues, huh? "A little bit, I guess, but not enough to die again and find out," he answered, plopping down onto his rear and leaning back, bored with his examinations, for now. Yeah, he supposed it could have been possible that this process of dying and waking up on another world would be the universal(?) norm, but that was quite a big risk to take... especially considering that he'd already died once. This could very well be his [i]only[/i] second chance... Their little exchange was interrupted, however, when Glasses came up to them with some rather strange company. Two oddly talkative balls of light; or maybe that's just how he saw them? Their looks reminded him a bit of fairies from Legend of Zelda, and once they started talking, all chippy and finishing each others' sentences, he found that they were just as annoying. Why did things that come in pairs have to do that? [i]"Deep breaths..."[/i] he reminded himself with a sigh, inhaling through his nose and out through his mouth. His preferred meditative technique. Okay, they were annoying, but they were also the only other signs of life(?) that any of them had seen around here, so it was probably better to just listen to them. He listened as the others voiced questions of their own. Why they were there, how did they know English, and... well, he didn't know what Frenchie said. As for him... there was only one really pressing thing on his mind, right now. "How do we get back home? If, you know, that's possible," he asked, after the others had asked their own questions. Not like him to interrupt while others were talking, but this he had to know. Though, even if they said he couldn't, he'd probably try to find a way, anyhow... He knew he was dead. Most likely, anyways, at least back on Earth. There probably wasn't any way for him to get back home, but he couldn't help but feel a tightening in his chest, a feeling he hadn't felt in a while. A drive. He wanted to go back. He wanted to see his friends and family again. [i]"There has to be some way back home."[/i] The thought couldn't help but take hold in his mind, and with that, slowly but surely, a fire began to take hold in his heart. It was a small one, at the moment, but for Zach, once he set his mind on something, the feeling would only grow. He would find his way; back to his friends, back to his parents. Back to his brother. Even if it would most likely kill him.