The silent alarms went off in the lab that Tesla was working in. "What in the!?" He said as he jumped to his feet, bumping his head on the lamp as he did. Bringing a screen in the lab over to him he looked at what the camera displayed, well at least half of it. The house and grounds were in a bit of disrepair and he was meaning to get to it but he was working on several projects to put the Stark part of Stark-Wayne enterprise back on the future track. Don't get it wrong, he had thought when he hacked the system mainframe, they were working on some pretty advanced stuff but the key word was WORKING. Nothing every got finished it seemed in the past little while. Stocks were slumping and the company wasn't doing great so he need to do something while Tony and....Bruce were away. His thoughts back to the screen and the image of a half a man at the door. Who was he and what was going on that brought him to Tony's door. Well he had better go great him or kill him one way or another he pump some extra juice into the suit he was wearing and activated two others. The stealth suit and the Bones suit, both agile enough to help him out and the only two that he had repaired thus far mainly to add upgrades to his own suit and to figure out some tech for the projects. He went upstairs and activated the hologram to project his image behind the man at the door. "Sir might I ask your name and why it is that you have found yourself here?" He asked. Nothing more.