Hello! I'm Celest or Celestial or whatever you feel like calling me. I'm currently dying to roleplay due to a wide window of free time thanks to winter break. The way I want this to work is that there is no set plot and we just sorta... wing it. Well maybe not completely hahah but I want us to have the creative freedom to shape our roleplay and characters as we go. Therefore, I'm simply going to give a few different starter posts instead of a list of pairings or plots and we can go from there. So here are some things to know before we role play together : - All my main characters will likely be female. At least all the ones I'm starting with. I may add in a few male characters as we go or if you want to double. - My only limit is that I refuse to roleplay any sex scenes. I'd prefer to fade to black during those kinda of times. But I'm fine with everything else. If you have any limits please alert me. - I personally like to include romance in all of my roleplays but I'd prefer if it is not the main focus of the roleplay. It gets boring after a while. Also I only do mxf pairings. Not that I have anything against mxm or fxf. - I prefer to do things all over PM and I'd rather not use anything outside of the Roleplayer Guild. It just makes things simpler for me. Also, I like communication in these types of roleplays so it'd be nice to set up a little chat before jumping straight into the role play. :) ----------------------- [hider=Medieval-Adventure]The harsh conditions of winter were weakening and destorying the land. The whole kingdom was suffering. However, far beyond the borders of their kingdom, a small window of hope trudged through the thickening snow with her fellow companions. It was a small, rag-tag team that volunteered to set out to seek help from other prospering kingdoms. But there was one major issue they faced besides this terrible weather. It was the fact that their own kingdom had wiped out many small, neighboring ones and had since been seen an enemy to any and all other kingdoms. Yes, their king had been a power hungry demon but he had always taken care of his people. It was outside relations that had been burned to the ground. "Would any of you imbicles care to remind me why I'm stuck freezing my ass off in the middle of nowhere with the likes of you people?" snapped James, an older man of around 30 with black graying hair and a rather mean looking face. He was the royal family's personal guard and a very trusted ally. However, he was the only one who didn't quite volunteer for this quest. Rather, the king wouldn't allow it until he had someone he trusted to command this team. Naturally, James had been backed up into a corner, unable to say anything but yes. "Well it surely ain't because you are fond of us." muttered the kingdom's legendary theif, Eden Barnes. However, most people knew her and refered to her as the Devil's Vixen. It was partly because of how her long brown hair almost seemed to have a tint of red when the light hit it just right. She was also known for her abilities in stealing and seduction as well as her own rather violent methods. She was definitely a triple threat and was a very difficult person to catch. But the guards still managed to put her behind bars. So why was she among this strange group of people? Well the answer is simple. If she puts her skills to good use in order to aid the kingdom, the king is willing to allow her freedom and a chance to start over. If she behaves. Hence the need of James' present. Eden gave a small huff and leaned back in her seat next to Neal, a young peasant boy, who was steering the ox cart. "Anyways... Did the map give us any clue to how far away any of these kingdoms may be? Could be a lost cause... Heck... Even if we find a kingdom why bother to try and bring help back when we can just stay there..." she stated looking up at the sky. James rolled his eyes. "Figures a rotten thing like you would have no sense of what the word home means..." he retorted. Slowly a silence sunk in between the two of them, leaving only the sound of footsteps.[/hider] [hider=Apocalyptic-Survival]When the world just begins to end, there is utter chaos. That was exactly what happened. Bombs going off, deaths of millions, complete terror. All that was left was to wonder who in the hell survived that? Nestled tightly in her basement, Sara had closed her eyes and waited for death, for that seemed to be all that was left for anyone. It never came though. She had stayed down there for days. Surviving off what little she had stored down there, bottled water and some stale food. After such a long time, she suddnely had developed a fear of ever leaving. Sara didn't want to see what had happened to the world. She desperately wanted to escape reality. Of course, that wasn't possible. The day came where she was running out of supplies and the basement was slowly becoming suffocating. Sara tried to keep herself from hyperventilating as she paced back and forth. Fianlly she stopped and her green-eyed gaze became fixated on the exit. Timidly, she reached out her hand and slowly creaked the door open. Light flooded in along with dust and other crumbles of what used to be her come. She jumped back, allowing the door to fling fully open as she coughed and gaged on the dust that filled the air. Sara found some luck though. Her house, while completely unrecognizable as anything but ruins, had been unable to cave in on it's self and instead was scattered all over the land along with several other houses. Sara stared in both awe and horror at the outside world that had changed so much in such a short time. The land was rough and filled with rubbage and dirt. Hints of what things used to look like just barely remained. Sara felt her eyes well up with tears as she thought of how things should look. Then the need to find ... anyone, really became suddenly overwhelming. "Hello!!!" she called out cupping her hands around her mouth. "Is anyone there?!" She began to wander out further into what used to be the main street as she continued to call out.[/hider] [hider=Normal or Supernatural?]The club was thumping heavily with music. Sweaty bodies moved together on the dance floor in a crowd people could easily become lost in. However, there was also areas away from that big mess of people that allowed for one to sit down and have a drink. That's where Emily found herself currently with two of her close friends. "Come oooonnn..... Let's all go dance!!" one said with slurred words, clearly having too much to drink. But the other was no different. "Yeah Ems.... Let's goooo!!" the one blonde added in a whiny voice. Emily, a black haired girl around the age of 25, just gave a small smile and shook her head. "Ah no thanks. I'm taking a rain check on that one. You two go on without me." "Are you surre?" asked the brunette. With a single nod, the two friends took off for the dance floor without further hesitation. Emily shook her head and leaned back in her seat, as she now sat alone. She was supposed to keep sober and had a bad history with alchol in her past anyways. However, she found herself to be quite bored. Although, the glances of drunk men were clearly felt and making her slightly uncomfortable. She's wasn't beautiful but she was rather pretty, enough to catch several looks now that she was alone. Emily quickly pulled out her phone and began to mess on it to avoid making any sort of eye contact. Her posture made her feeling of uncomfortableness rather apparent. [/hider]