[quote=ourmonie] "Hhhhhmmmm.... I guess the salmon bars?"Dao thought to himself more creative and said out loud "more creative sure I can do that" Dao reproached the starting line and began gathering all the mana in the space around the obstical course. Using the high density of mana he bent the space in on itself like how you would fold a paper in half. With the course bent and warped in space he took a step towards the finish line . "is that creative enough or should I actually go through it again???" Dao said in a perplexed tone as he slowly uncurled the mana warped obstical course [/quote] "You will redo the course but not today. Today you get a failing score. I want each of you to keep in mind that while I might be new to teaching I am not new to this world. I have been adventuring along time. I have seen many powers, abilities, and tricks over the years. I have successful completes several quest and have been on over thirty adventures. If you want to impress or fool me you will have to try harder." griffin told them. "Who's next?"