Key smiled at Willa. '' You can ride with me, if you dont mind getting the cloths a bit dirty.'' A smaller earth hand stretched out to Willa offering for her to step on it. There was really no problem, on moving the girl to sit beside her self. She would be safer there, with her lack of weapons. ''Aww, thank you my kitten hero. '' She cheered up quite a bit hearing taofka saying that he would keep his friends safe. It wasnt too long before everyone could watch the great landing of the N1, it did looked like a fireball. Hearing a man speak she looked down from the earth hand holding the moon lander. She could swear she knew the guy face from somewhere. Was he a mathematician? She wondered to her self. Instead of kitty man she offered a answer. ''Well I will assume that going to where Kakariko is the next step in plan... And I am Key I dont think I caught your name. '' She hummed smiling, tapping her chin. She had a superstition that kakariko was the place N1 landed. A idea popped in her head, it could be really fun to do it , on other side it could be just boring. A bit reluctant she pushed the silent part to the side. ''I could make a earth bridge up that mountain all the way where our russian rocket friend landed. It would be fast to make for me too....Like a cheating shortcut. '' She offered, just one yes would be enough for her to try and do it. She was kind of eager at the idea to test what she could all do.