Terry sat in the back of the auditorium shrouded in shadows. He had picked a spot a good distance away from most but also near an exit. He observed everything silently. He realized that this place would be quite good for him. He decided that it could make him into what he needed to become. He took everything that happened in the auditorium in stride. Terry stood when the lights came on and tried to quickly and quietly make it to the exit, when suddenly, a small disruption in the lull of exiting students arose. He took a step towards the altercation thinking he should intervene. He stopped and just decided to watch. He reasoned that Flinders probably would not do anything to stop the two guys but perhaps Jinx would. If she did, he was curious to see what action would be taken. If she didn't, then he wanted to stick around and see what these two guys were about. Either way, he decided that he would stick around but stay out of the way, for now.