Ash's rising panic quickly lowered as she was addressed by a friendly person. Had it been Roxy, or even Jason, it would be likely that Ash would of had a heart attack. Ash watched the demonstration of Kara's powers with a small smile. Ash recoiled slightly, however, when asked about her powers, ~ That's right, I'm around people like me. I can show my powers. ~ Ash thought, as she quietly returned her feet to the ground, starting to become somewhat comfortable. Ash pulled the sleeve of her hoodie back on her right arm, revealing her skin to Kara. Within an instant, 4 inches of thick diamond materialized over the exposed skin. Ash smiled slightly, happy that she could show off the power with no repercussion, "I can do this pretty much all over my body. It's really good at protecting me." Ash replied, as the diamond skin seemed to skin back into herself, disappearing completely. As Ash did so, a twinge of pain flashed on her face for a second, before being replaced by her normal passive look. Ash snapped her head to the girl known as Genevieve, whom began to read a letter from the manor's owner. Ash listened intently as she did so, almost grimacing at the contents of the letter. After the letter had been read, Ash stood up, and started to make her way out of the room, quickly so that she could be the first one out, and so that she could avoid further social interaction, if she could. Ash exited the room, and looked around outside, determining to herself where the rooms would be located at. After a moment of deliberation, Ash trudged off, to go find a room.