"Well. This is a day for the history books." The Happy Mask Salesman cleared his throat uneasily as his nervous eyes darted from person to person. He could feel the discomfort rising from the bottom of his spine to the top of his head. He gave the others a smile and tried to hide the unease. *** Ganondorf could feel the clear dissonance of wills in the air like a thick fog. Each member of their respective sides casting sly glares at their opponents. He looked at the small man that had spoken. He was a twig and clearly struggling to hide his emotions. Though he smiled largely and spoke with a joyful tone, he was still trembling a little. Ganondorf looked at the others one at a time, sizing them up. The Princess Midna with her fiery hair and dark clothing. A different power emanated from her. One that was totally self-driven. The Hero of Legend was there as well. His sword, Evil's bane, was with him. The King could already feel it tugging at his heart. A woman who could be no one else but the Princess Zelda herself. She looked calm, but he was unsure. Past versions of the fair girl had been quite outspoken and almost angry. Dark Link had his usual demonic presence about him. And there was still Vaati, now cowering behind Ganondorf's robe. "It is indeed." He said to the little man, eying him. "Are you a historian, my friend?" "No sir. Just a humble mask salesman." The strange man's response included a deep bow and a bounce upon returning to a standing position. "Then why, may I ask, are you here?" Ganondorf's voice scratched a little bit as he tried to cover the slight irritation. "I wish to speak to Lady Midna." He looked at her and gave her a slight bow of the head. Ganondorf looked at the woman as well, waiting for her response to the jittery man.