As the air rushed out of the room Shuo walked through the breach weapon in one hand looking around for a path that would allow him to get to the other side of the gap. Shuo immediately went on alert when Rareth yelled over the comms to prepare for engagement. He quickly spotted them coming out from above them off towards the rest of the station. Shuo quickly glanced around for a defensible piece of real estate. It only took him a moment when he noticed a part of a floor above them had been burnt in a favorable way for him to duck behind. He pointed himself at the area and then turned off his boots. He put out a low thrust and quickly reached the location. He stopped himself by simply grabbing onto the ledge next to the piece of cover pulling himself into position. Once he activated his boots he realized he was parallel with what had been the floor. He quickly made his gun change forms and aimed "up" at the hostiles. He remembered that all he needed to do was puncture their suits, from there space would kill them for him. He quickly fired 3 rounds at a Masulu figure and watched as their shields dropped and the last round went through their helmet. The Masulu was moving forward and he guessed that their thrusters were mechanical and thus he kept going away from his group as his corpse began to float off into space. He quickly turned his attention back to what he guessed was a large human and began firing again. Though this time one of his shots went astray and he only managed to put a bolt through the humans arm. They quickly took cover and most likely covered the exposure fast enough to survive. Then shots began raining on his position aswell and he finally pulled himself down into cover. He then called out over the comms."I'm gonna call in a fire mission everyone stay where you are!" Shuo quickly began his uplink with the fleet and began setting up priority. Luckily it would only really be them calling for it, that would mean a prompt response. " This is 5th Echelon Shuo of the Assembly task force, I'm requesting danger close fire support on my location. Targets will be marked via HUD uplink, data will be transmitted to fleet. How copy over?" Shuo said as a fusion bolt impacted the cover next to him. A Tempu female voice came over the comm."Your request is granted, fighters will be inbound shortly. Make sure any and all locations are marked quickly. ETA 40 seconds." Shuo smiled with his mandibles and popped up over his cover. He started marking locations via neural uplink as fast as he could confirm targets. Hopefully this ended this engagement quickly as he was out of back up charges and was hovering around 80% with his weapon.