[quote=Rin] This is supposedly based more on Dragonball than DBZ, and it was kind of a big deal when someone could fly in that (bukujutsu wasn't even introduced until Tenshinhan showed up, and Goku and Krillin didn't even learn it until the very last arc of DB), so I assume that is part of the reason why it's not so readily available here.Also I am really, really sorry I haven't posted yet. ^^; Been really busy and whenever I get the chance to sit down and post always seems to be when the site doesn't want to work. Sorry. ^^; [/quote] Type up your post in Notepad and copy/paste it into the topic whenever the forums allow you to. Thats what I do. And I agree with Obito about your char there patriarch. gotta be careful on whatever backstory you use. Thats probably why the Xenoverse races are so easy to make backstories for, they're pretty open ended on where they start.