[i]Thursday night[/i] Kelsey was beginning to wonder why she'd bothered attending this party. The music was so loud she could feel the bass thumping through her chest like a second heartbeat, and it looked like everyone was either completely stoned out of their mind or behaving like complete idiots. In other words, it was pretty much every party Laura and Nicolette threw. She stared outside as someone behind her sang (screamed, really) along to the song. There'd been a boy she met earlier, when the party hadn't quite been... like this. He was kind of cute, and he was single too, which suited her nicely. They'd talked for a while before he left to get another drink and never came back. She wondered if he was outside– –apparently he was. He'd just stumbled into view and vomited into a nearby bush. Great. Her roommate was outside, standing nearby. Arina was definitely overdressed for this, Kelsey thought even as she looked at that cocktail dress in envy. [i]Has she even been to a party before?[/i] Besides ballroom dinners and dances. She'd probably been to plenty of those. Laura definitely had. She'd hear about it for weeks afterwards whenever she did. Arina hadn't done anything like that so far, though, which was a point in her favour. Kelsey turned away from the window and looked around. Just a few months ago, the same thing had happened in her house. It had taken two hours to clear everyone out, three weeks to fix everything, and her parents still hadn't quite forgiven her for it. But this wasn't her house. This whole mess would be the frat's problem, not hers. She couldn't help but smile at the thought. Kelsey made her way to the drink tables, picking up a red cup. It wasn't water or soda, but she was thirsty and alcohol was better than nothing. [i]Friday morning[/i] [i]"WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"[/i] She regretted everything. The whooping made her head pound even worse and she felt woozy, but even before she opened her eyes, she knew. She hadn't made it back to her dorm. She wasn't anywhere inside the house. The surface beneath her felt like wet grass. [i]I can't put this off forever.[/i] She opened her eyes reluctantly and got to her feet, wincing as her head spun. Somehow all her clothes were still on, a minor miracle as far as she was concerned. Wait, was her shirt inside-out? And where were her shoes? Kelsey frowned. That couldn't be good. She glanced around and saw Arina. [i]I take that back.[/i] She was in a park of some kind. There was a car nearby ([i]a car?[/i]) and several people were sprawled out on the grass nearby. One in particular was yelling and laughing, he must have been the one she heard when she woke up. [i]What the hell is he even on?[/i] It looked like he was still tripping; she hadn't thought that was possible. [i]Where can I get some?[/i] No, why was she thinking about doing drugs when she'd just woken up from the first bender she'd ever had? Kelsey decided to stay where she was, at least until her head didn't hurt quite as much.