Amy looked at Philip and reached out to him and CHarles noticed. "Philip wait if you ever wish to come visit please do not hesitate you are welcome to the Ravenwood house hold any time and so are you Ariel." He said to them before they left. "ANd please come for I am sure Amy would want to see you again very soon." He said as he wrapped his arms around his week grandchild as tears fell down her eyes as she watched Philip leave thinking it was all jsut happening agian. Everyone in her life just disappear from her, like everyone else did in her life, like her mother and father. Even though she had her grandfather she still felt very alone in the world. After time her grandfather got things set up fro Amy to stay at his residence with all the medical things and a stay at home nurse for her so she would be in a comfortable envirorment. He had her set up in the room he had made for her a long time ago. Amy laid in the bed with the normals IVs and machines attached to her as she laid there staying silent. Charles looked at her through the door worried and sighed a bit. "I feel sorry for that boy I hope he will be alright if not I might have to have a word with his father." He whispered as he retired for the night for it was not really late.