Loki got up in his bed and yawned, like he did every morning. However, he noticed as he looked over to his alarm clock that he had woken an hour earlier than he usually did. Curious, he looked around to see as to what had woken up from his nap. His phone had a message on it. Loki debated looking at the message but tossed it back on the bed and got up, stretching. Food before messages was Loki’s philosophy. And before food, he had to look presentable, and before that he had to take a shower. A quick shower and change of clothes later, Loki looked in his pantry and took out the open box of lucky charms which was next to the other 2 unopened boxes of lucky charms. He set it down on his dining table and picked a banana out of the fruit bowl. Got to have some potassium. After all, if he didn’t he would probably die of malnutrition or something. Moving to the kitchen bench, he grabbed a bowl and a knife and chopped some bananas into it, humming the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ysogK6v21I]bananas in pyjamas theme song[/url]. That done, Loki left the knife in the sink and got the milk out of the fridge. He also grabbed the sugar from the bench and balanced a spoon on his nose, walking to the dining table. He set down the milk and the bowl and took the spoon from his nose. He took his lucky charms and poured the sugary death-in-the-guise-of-cereal that was lucky charms outside of the cardboard packaging. That done, Loki added a spoon full of sugar and added the milk. Loki stirred the unholy mix thoughtfully. He walked to the pantry and came back with dried apricots which he dropped into the cereal mixture. He then sat down and began eating his ‘breakfast’ happily. Today was a free day for him after a successful movie recording. The movie was just about done and what better way to unwind than with a bowl of what resulted to pure sugar and diabetes? Loki would never get diabetes though, his metabolism ensured that. Loki turned on the TV and flicked through the channels. Something about meta human terrorism at some park, meta terrorism in a square, normal people dying in Disney? Did Disney finally walk the dark path of live action realism? Whatever the case, Loki didn’t care. Finding nothing interesting in the afternoon television, Loki flicked to re-runs and a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGCoAFZiYMw]familiar song[/url] started playing. Loki smiled, chewing his breakfast as the smiling blue locomotive had an adventure involving other trains, some of which didn’t smile. Loki finished the cereal as the episode ended and he began washing the dishes. He whistled peacefully as he went. It was a relaxing day without work, which was rare for an actor like Loki. But as peaceful as he was, he was forgetting something. Something that was probably important. Loki finished washing up and wandered his apartment, trying to figure out what it was. He saw his phone. That was it! He’d stayed up last night to 3:00 AM playing angry birds before a combination of sleep deprivation and work exhaustion forced him to stay his hand from delivering his vengeance against those bastard pigs. Loki dived onto the bed and grabbed his phone, ready to resume his bloody campaign against the dastardly swine and noticed that he had 5 messages. Loki checked the messages. The first 2 were from the movie people he was working with about how they wanted to thank him. “Whatever.” Loki said as he promptly closed his messages ignoring the other 3 and opened angry birds. He would enact his vengeance. An hour later, Loki beat the game. Loki let out a whoop of victory, having finished all the levels to their best completion. He felt ridiculously proud for having achieved pretty much nothing. Nevertheless, he was happy about it. Happy enough to check his messages. He checked them again and this time, he had 10 unread messages. The first 7 were job offers for acting, the next 2 were ones he hadn’t read from his previous job thanking him and the last one was kind of weird. “Meet me in the café facing your apartment in 2 hours. Job offer, large payout. –A friend.” Loki read aloud. While the message was odd, there was only one part that worried Loki. It wasn’t really part of the message, but it worried Loki nonetheless. He really hoped it was some glitch but he was sure it wasn’t. At the bottom of the message, not a part of the message itself was some text in italics: [i]received 2 hours ago[/i]. Loki stared at it for a while. Then he shrugged. Better late than never, after all. “Looks like it’s time to change.” Loki said to himself. He didn’t exactly want another job so soon, but it might be interesting. 20 minutes later, Loki emerged from the apartment block and crossed the road to the café. Who was he looking for, anyway? Not that it mattered. Loki waved to some people around the street he kind of knew as he went inside the café. “Hey Lil!” Loki called to the first waitress he saw. “Hello Loki.” Lily said, smiling as she put the customer’s drink down. “Will it be the usual?” She asked. “You know it.” Loki grinned. “Owner, Loki’s here!” Lily called as she walked into the kitchen. “Hey Loki! You don’t come here as often as you used to!” A bearded man said, grinning as he emerged from the kitchen to the counter. “I just had a job recently, but I finished it yesterday.” Loki said to him, walking up to the counter. “Gotta tell you, it was a lot of work.” “Makes me glad I just own a coffee shop.” The bearded man said. “I know, right?” Loki laughed. “Here you go!” Lily said, walking out of the kitchen tray in hand. On the tray was a cup of steaming hot chocolate, Loki style. Extra chocolate and sugar with a marshmallow. “Thanks, Lil!” Loki said, taking the cup. “So what’re you here for today? Just in the mood for a cup of hot chocolate?” “Nope,” Loki said, taking a sip. “But it’s nice enough to make a trip for, as always.” Loki smiled. “You flatter me.” The owner grinned. Loki chuckled. “In all seriousness, I’m here to meet someone. Probably a client.” He said. “Hoping for a nice lady so you can hit it up with her?” The owner Joked. “Maybe.” Loki laughed. “Thanks for the chocolate.” He said, giving him the $2.50. “Come back more often! You’re my favourite customer!” Owner said. “Will do.” Loki smiled as he walked out of the shop. He took a seat at a table near the entrance of the shop and waited, sipping his chocolate occasionally. He shouldn’t have to wait long, as he was late. Well, he just had to wait. People who contacted him usually did the approaching, after all. Even though he should really be more concerned than he was considering that he didn’t know who wanted his services or how they got his number, but it wasn’t exactly like he intentionally hid his contact information, he just never really gave it out unless it mattered. So, assuming they got it, they would know what he looked like. Now that he thought about it, he didn’t know what kind of job it was either. Did they want him as a mercenary or as an actor? Loki shrugged and sipped his hot chocolate. They would make their presence known soon.