Hey everyone, first IC post is up. Feel free to post whenever you want, I'm heading to bed now. I'll be keeping a record of all the posts on a word document, just in case something happens to them and if anyone needs to contact me in case of a guild-down feel free to email me at: i_like_pie_with_sauce@hotmail.com The ‘round 2 tests’ are going to be, simple things; shooting, an obstacle course, a stealth capture-the-flag mission, things like that. You’re more than welcome to include and exclude whatever tests you want in your post, including as many or as few as you like and even make up your own but everyone will do the same tests in theory, so even if you write that you only did shooting and obstacle they really did everything anyway. After everyone has completed round 2, round 3 will consist of a simulation field mission where their speciality will be tested. The catch is the mission is impossible to pass no matter how well they do, though they don’t know this and is designed to test their reaction to stress, unpredicted failures and set-backs. From there we’ll probably discuss OOC where we think people should be placed on the ‘leader board’ and we’ll discuss where to go from there :D