So i'm making a faction of unique power armored sociopathic crusaders. The premise of my idea is that a roman-catholic priest/father in Detroit, through use of contacts and associates (The IBEW and other unions lend aid and provide favors) and by being an incredibly corrupt bastard, managed to construct a vault loosely based off Vault Tec designs. The only problems, of course, are that Vault Tec screwed over the deal by handing over blueprints of failed designs and a certain intervention by a U.S Colonel whom wishes to secure a spot for him and his family in the bunker. When the vault sealed up, it was full of IBEW union workers, military personnel and prominent church members. While the failed design allowed for the vault to be completed and relatively safe to inhabit, it's air filtration systems constantly failed, the door jammed stuck upon closing, and even with master electricians on hand they still experienced a severe lighting and reactor issue. So for little over two hundred years this community lived in long periods of relative darkness, barely filtered air and a jammed door. Many came to rely solely on the electricians for survival, and some even revered them. Eventually, they came to see electricity as mankind's salvation, and their daily roman-catholic preachings convoluted into some cult that sees electricity as God's purpose for creating man. The current generation within the vault, the first one to somehow successfully open the door two years before the start of the RP, is practically a byproduct of being raised in a religious, militant and hard working way. Sadly, this way has also disillusioned them into seeing women as breeding cattle the last couple generations growing up in the vault, and even more so upon exiting and witnessing the outside world. I don't want to demean this idea by saying this faction is sort of an Enclave meets Brotherhood of Steel mixup but it [i]kind[/i] of is. They don't covet all forms of technology, mostly only Tesla designs. In the sense of them being like the Enclave, they practically purge anything that doesn't look normal to them. They do however go on missions outside of Detroit in an attempt to make contact with and convert tribals or "uncultured" wastelanders as there are so few of them in number, and even fewer so with access to tesla armor and advanced weaponry. Two Missionaries in Tesla armor is pretty badass, two missionaries with only about two or three clips of microfusion cells confronting a xenophobic tribe of a couple hundred people out in the middle of uncharted bumfuck Michigan sounds more like a challenge. So I don't believe there'd be an overpowered issue, and I prefer storyline roleplaying over stat based roleplaying any day. The good news about that is I am one of the few people who actually prefers to roleplay downfalls, epic failures and death when it comes to my own characters. Trying to win while telling a story can get too complicated and cliche'd for me, so i've thus since tried to find out ways for me to lose epically. Also if any or all of this sounds crazy out of my mind that's because i'm feebly attempting to organize my thoughts at two in the morning EDIT: Or it probably does sound all crazy. I come up with crazy off the wall stuff sometimes.