It was with some nervous haste that Shiva stuck her boots to the ground, activated the magnets to hold herself in place, and went over her EVA drill. Visor down, seal up, check levels, pressurise, pray. It made for a far easier to remember rhyme in the main masulu language. Once the blast door opened, it was moments before all Shiva could hear was the comms and her breathing. The jump-off was well enough executed, even if it still quietly freaked Shiva out. She wished she had thrusters, or telekinesis, or anything really to make her stop imagining herself hurtling out into space with no control or hope for rescue. Rareth's call of contact flooded her mind with the second big concern she had about space walking. Luckily enough, Shiva was facing the correct way to line up her weapon in the enemy's direction, but even shooting off a few silent plasma rounds pushed her off-course slightly. She was about to shoot in the opposite direction to correct herself before Rareth took her arm. "WoaaAH! Shit!" Shiva shouted in alarm as she flailed at the sudden change of course. Looking around, she promptly realised the tactic and was quick to magnetise her boots to the large chunk of debris. She then squat and leaned her torso forward over the debris to send more plasma in the enemy's direction. It was nice to have some more control again. "Thanks for that, Rareth!" Shiva spoke through the comms for the first time since depressurisation. Unfortunately, for the distance between the groups, the disorientation, and the unwieldiness of Shiva's weapon in weightlessness meant that Shiva wasn't exactly hitting anything. Her shots were keeping the militia pinned, though, and drawing their attention. The glowing killshots were mostly coming from Shuo, with his much more precision-oriented shifter rifle. Every few moments, Shiva had to lean back out of the firing line to recharge her shield. [i]Forty seconds, just have to hold out for forty seconds.[/i] Shiva leaned over the debris to start firing again. Once her shields had been clipped a couple more times, she leaned back again. Barely seven seconds have passed, [i]Might as well be forty years![/i]