[center][img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/763c15196c5131c9f8a3c5f92e185351/tumblr_mn47y66Hc81rmceijo1_500.gif[/img][/center] "Bold words for a cat in a collar", Slade spoke, a wide, sly smile forming under his mask. In his opinion, Catman was nothing more but a ordinary thug. He had more in common with a kid who just hit puberty and suddenly felt the urge to be edgy, than with a proper criminal, or rather villain as the media labeled people like Slade and the rest of the courtyard quartet. Not to say Slade was growing protective for the rest of the inmates, but it was a fact that facing The Flash was a lot harder than dealing with The Bat, the latter who was the sole instigator behind Fluffy's imprisonment. If he couldn't handle The Dark Knight, then all he could do at the moment was pray the evil Flash didn't feel compelled to drag his ass down the basketball court all out of a sudden. Boomer, in the other hand; Slade was not a fan of his work, but for a man with no superpowers, he surely held his ground well against the 'Crimson Comet'. While even the Legendary Mercenary admitted to feeling slightly unsettled when Zoom was nearby, considering his powers were way beyond the usual norm. Of course, that didn't mean he wasn't going to put a bullet in his head, should his behavior pose a threat. Shortly after Slade got acquainted with the three musketeers, the doors to the exercise yard opened audibly, causing an uproar in the room. Two guards came in, uttering a bunch of non-sense and bickering over their 'jokes'. Slade didn't have the richest sense of humor, but their jokes were far from funny. What caught his attention was the girl that one of them was carrying. He couldn't see her face, but she was wearing a colorful uniform, much like Wilson's. One of the guards dropped her in front of his feet, before both of them went back from where they came, swearing under their breath as they did - it was then that the Mercenary finally realized who the girl was; The Ravager. He was given a lot of heat in the underground community because of her actions, some even going as far as throwing rumors about her being his illegitimate daughter. Another persisting rumor was that she was Slade's pupil. Either way, Slade had to take responsibility for a lot of her actions, even though he never got to meet her face-to-face, or rather mask-to-mask. The One-Eyed Merc. knelt down then pulled his sword, freeing her off the shackles that were binding her. Then, he rolled her over, now both facing each other. The girl was heavily sedated, and Slade couldn't wait for her to wake up on her own. While neither of the villains on the courtyard were charged of rape or anything close, there was always a first time. Slade carefully removed her mask before doing the same with his. He didn't know where he was kept before, but it sure was a cold place, considering you could get your tongue stuck if you tried to lick the iron mask he carried. Slade brushed the mask against her face, expecting it to give her a shiver and eventually wake her up from her beauty sleep, but to no avail. She was doing some subtle movements around, but no budge. The sedative probably had a greater effect on her due to her weight - she barely got to 90 pounds, according to Slade's deduction. He placed his mask back where it was before pulling his FN Five-Seven. Whispering softly was not an option, so the only way to get her back on her feet was to shoot a gun near her ear, which is what Slade did. If that wouldn't wake her up, he had no idea what would.