[center][img=http://share.gifyoutube.com/y7W43Y.gif][/center] Captain Boomerang silently bit his tongue out of fear when with a burst of red light his boomerang disappeared from his hand, only to fall to the ground in pieces in front of him. [i]"Hello, Digger. Fancy seeing you here. I take it Snart kicked you out, or you wouldn't be here. You know where I'm from, George? I'm from the future. And do you know what kind of mark you make, George? You are-or were-a Rogue. That won't mean anything in my time. You're a cockroach, a nobody in the annals of time. The mark you make on history is nonexistent. By the 25th century, Captain Boomerang is as forgotten as today's weather report. When all is said and done, Harkness, You. Don't. Matter." [/i] Throughout his speech, the speedster rocketed about, moving around him, trying to get the Australian criminal to shit himself, so to speak. Thought Ol' Boomer wouldn't be scared that easy! Hell, Digger wasn't dreaming of much. He by far didn't expect a Captain Boomerang museum or the such, he wasn't some delusional psycho like the living streak here. He wasn't in it for the fame, it was just a small bonus if he got any! Digger stepped forward, about to raise this point when a voice came from his right. Deathstroke. The assassin's voice was older than he had expected. Gruffer too. That being said, Digger couldn't shun him, the guy was currently defending his honor. "Yeah, whut m' bud ere' said!" Digger chimed in, pointing his finger accusingly at the Reverse-Flash. That was when yet another voice interrupted them. Boomerang had to hold back a laugh when he saw him approaching. Catman of all the super-villains in the world was berating him for getting his ass kicked? From what he heard, the guy was basically a Bat-freak rip-off, except while the caped crusader hung out in a cave, this guy hung out in a litter box, Apparently he even had a Cat-mobile! The thought put a smile across his face, which he removed a second later after remembering that he was supposed to be a professional! "Oh, go cough up a fur-ball" He jeered before turning back to the speedster, intent on speaking his mind, only for the doors to burst open. Guards marched in, a young girl between them, obviously sedated. What struck Digger was what she was wearing. It appeared to be a makeshift version of Deathstroke's own costume. He smirked. Did the legendary one-eyed jerk have some secret ninja daughter? Or better yet, a secret ninja fan? While Deathstroke moved to interact with the girl, Harkness approached the guards. "Oi, do y' mind tellin' us why the 'ell we're here?" He shouted, breaking into a run, only for the door to slam shut behind them. Captain Boomerang cursed angrily and kicked the door. When did prison get so god damn confusing?