[b]Cayden & Hackmon[/b] Hackmon was fuming just as soon as he felt her challenge. The white-plated dragon stepped forwards to meet the other Digimon, his mantle flowing against the soft eddies. Gazimon was angry about what he had said, and the others probably were too. He could accept that, anger was natural, but lecturing him was beyond her bounds. She was right, he was going to be King and they were his subjects. She was but one being that he had to reign in. “Lizard?! Sorry excuse?!” he repeated, appalled by her words. “I call em like I see'em Gazimon. You and everyone else ran! Don't lecture me on what we all saw. Humans may be fragile but their capable too, just like us. They don't have to stay cowards.” Cayden interfered but not before Alex had. “You don't have to prove anything to anyone Hackmon,” uttered the boy as he appeared at his side, hands tucked coolly in his pockets. With a impassive glance towards Alex, he forced out his next words. “Thanks but next time don't do me any favors. Your partner is blaming mines for your actions.” Hackmon snarled back, showing a row of razor teeth as the two return to the shade of the trees. Cay outstretched a leg before resting a arm on a knee and passively peered off at nothing in particular. Of course it would be him with the noisy and oddly inspiring partner. Hackmon nudged him with his snout before sitting on his haunches. “Thanks for having my back, Cay. It meant a lot to me,” explained the Digimon, his voice light with sentiment. “As a King I can't back down from confrontation. Or at least, that's what I feel.” “Sometimes retreat is the best strategy,” he countered, tossing plucked grass off to the side while spotting the red-head approaching and calling out to him. “... Great, what now?” he muttered lowly, positive that only Hackmon would hear. “Maybe they want to apologize to their King,” Hackmon raised on all paws, confident. “I doubt it, King Arthur,” Raising off the ground, it took just a moment for Hackmon and him to reach them. He stuffed a hand in his pocket before discerning Eden with a slightly agitated, but mostly composed stare. “... Cayden.” Already he could feel his gut twisting and knotting up. So many people were around him, so many leeching the energy from him. It was quickly turning him grouchy. “The west? Why head west?” Hackmon asked, metal tail swaying behind him. “I'm not all the way sure but I don't think theres too much out that way.”