Melissa followed her Lady obediently and without hesitation into the dark unknown. If Alice had a plan, then surely everything would be fine? Even as a foreigner, the dark mage was aware of how strong Crescentia’s military force was back in the time of the Great Wars. It would take more than worded threats to bring this mighty nation down. Her inner thoughts were soon interrupted upon her booted feet meeting with cool grass. Alice had led them outside into the night, the inner borders of a wide courtyard now surrounding them. Curious as to what they were doing here, Melissa tied Miranda’s arm to her waist for security before glancing at Alice. [i] “Will you teach me how to fight? I want to be useful against the Ultimatum.”[/i] “Wait…what?” Melissa asked, taken aback by the request. In hindsight, she figured it made sense for Crescentia’s leader to take action but they probably only had this one night before the Ultimatum’s troops were at their castle walls. Still, if Alice really wanted to… “Um, with all things considered your Highness, what exactly do you want to learn? I mean, you probably know basic survival right?” The knight brought her hand to her chin in thought. “Have you ever displayed signs of magical affinity? I can only control black magic but I can teach you the basics if you do. If not, we can always start with sword play…” Melissa’s words trailed off as the realization finally hit her. How had she forgotten for all this time? “Aw man! I completely don’t know where my sword is! It must have been taken when I was captured!”