Before I go on, I have to make a note. It seems that some of you have not read my last note. I will post it at the bottom here. And if I find that you keep ignoring it, then I'll ignore your attacks. I hate having to read a whole paragraph for a simple attack. I understand some people, attacking multiple times in a turn. But really. It just makes it a pain for me. [quote=Dean] When he saw that he simply absorbed his ability he yelled "Damn it!" Hosai flew over using the wind around his feet to propel him forward and landed. Then immediately jumped forward slamming his right heel down against the Godmodder's shoulder, he connected his heel kick with a slight lean sideways to kick him in the side of his eye with his left leg. [/quote] The Godmodder, though stunned by the sudden and unexpected attack, takes no damage. [quote=Stekkmen] The group of snazzy ghouls approaches the god-modder. "Sic em, fellas!" The little man shouts.The one with the chains attempt to strangle the godmodder while the one with the baseball tries to attack the knees. The other 3 rush the god-modder with pocket knives. [/quote] The Godmodder takes one damage from the chain, but recovers in time to destroy the Chain Ghoul and move away from the others quickly. [quote=Dean] He summons a large gust of wind that spirals around the godmodder, Hosai then summons his Katana which he throws like a vertically throws like a boomerang. Another Katana is summoned and he throws this one the same except horizontally, and another is thrown diagonally. Ken Masters launches a diagonal Houdouken and Ryu fires a flaming Houdouken horizontally Sasuke summons a fireball styleHosai discharges a lighting bolt from the sky then discharges a second bolt of lighting this time there are five bolts of lighting all aiming for him at once! He then, blows a column of wind vertically to blow him afar while he fired a ball of wind and electricity from behind him! [/quote] The Godmodder (with his newly obtained powers) is able to absorb the electricity, and the Godmodder is able to narrowly avoid the flames and wind. The Godmodder manages to catch the two Katanas, keeping them. "Do not throw away your weapons, fool!" [quote=ruronihs] The Internet spawns a Grammar Nazi, who proceeds to pick apart the godmodder's last post despite the fact that everybody understood it perfectly. The Grammar Nazi scowls at the first fragment. "I think you mean 'Undead Ghouls WERE added!'" "You've got a dangling participle here! As written, claims are saying you are well within your rights, which I am quite certain is not what you meant." Finally, the Nazi scoffs at the last sentence, not even bothering to quote it because he is clearly superior. "The comma should be a semicolon and you need an apostrophe to show that you are using a contraction. If you're going to God-mod, at least do it in proper English!" The Internet hopes that his Nazi will be so annoying that he derails the godmodder's train of thought, distracting him for at least one crucial moment. After all, who doesn't like telling Grammar Nazis to get a life? [/quote] The Godmodder zaps the Grammar Nazi, paying him no more attention. [quote=Weiss Schnee] Lina watches everyone. While the Godmodder is dealing with all the other combatents she decides its time to pull out the big guns. While also following the concept no one should be as powerful as the GodModder however the spell she is planning is worth a try...She stands back and begins to prepare for a chant for a spell that hopefully will do some damage to the GodModder... "One who is darker than twilight One who is redder than flowing blood Buried in the flow of time..."(This will take a few posts to let off) [/quote] [quote=Green] "Somebody fuse with me! With our combined powers, we will defeat this phantom menace and rule the universe!" Psychic Fetus said. [/quote] [quote=Venchi] Using the fact that he will later gain different powers and zords the green ranger summoned all the zords that will be used by him as well as the zords needed to create the orginal Ultrazord which he quickly combined the Drazonzord with. [/quote] Ummmm... Zords added? All 8? [quote=Ironcoat] The REAL silver haired kid walked in and started the ancient rituals of The Summoning of Death;chanting and walking around aimlessly while surrounded by a psychic force field that deflects attacks. [/quote] [quote=rawkhawk64] The ground around the seal rumbled again, and a third coffin rose up. The Naraka Path inserted the kunai with a seal for Kiyoshi, and the Preta Path awakened. Kiyoshi smirked, as this path took front and center along with him. "The Preta Path. Able to absorb any jutsu or energy techniques!" Kiyoshi announced. He then smirked, making more handseals. Kiyoshi breathed out six fireballs, and then threw shuriken into the fireballs. He then used his chakra to have the fireballs approach the Godmodder. Even if the flames were extinguished, the shuriken would continue to rush at the Godmodder. Kiyoshi predicted a 70% chance of success. However, just to make sure, Kiyoshi used Kamui to suck one into his alternate dimension, and then prepared to release it when the Godmodder moved. Meanwhile, the Naraka Path began to summon the King of Hell statue, just in case any of the paths were lost in battle. [/quote] The Godmodder ducked under the flames, and promptly jumped to avoid the other shuriken. [quote=Maiyuken] A short woman of 5'4 with a lithe, curved body and ample breasts stepped up onto a cliff above. Her long ebony hair swaying and icy gray eyes narrowing. Maiyuken smirks, spying from above. "I will not get involved in this because I cannot be killed and it would be futile to fight someone who claims this 'Godmodder' title." She steps to the side allowing her hair to be swept aside slightly by the wind. "Hmph." [/quote] ... Um... Godmodder: 99/100 Dragonzord: 4500/5000 Zords: 4000/4000 (500 per Zord) Ghouls: 400/500 (100 per Ghoul) [hider=READ THIS NOTE I SWEAR TO GOD]I have a feeling that you guys didn't really read the notes at the beginning, because I believe I asked you not to respond with such long attacks. It only serves to confuse me and frustrate me, making me want to answer less and less. Also, check in on the OOC every once in a while. Tips and tricks might show up. Also, go ahead and attack more than once in a turn. If someone has already posted, you can post again.[/hider]