[b][u][center]Lucky and Cleopatra[/b][/u][/center] [IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/2weknko.jpg[/IMG] Cleopatra scurried around the apartment in a frantic manner to find her keys, accidentally knocking over a glass that her brother Lucky had left on the edge of the table an hour before. It fell, hitting the ground with a dissonant clang as shards of glass spread out over the floor. [b]"Seriously Lucky, what the hell? Why would you leave a glass that close to the edge of the table?"[/b], she said in a frustrated tone, her hands moving feverishly within the draws of a small desk. [b]"See...the thing is...I have really bad luck. Its rubbing off on you. It's not my fault!"[/b], he playfully joked, flipping over the couch and landing on his feet behind it. [b]"Not my fault my ass you prick!"[/b], she retorted in a more playful manner. [b]"At least I have one"[/b], he quickly responded. She laughed out loud, stopping her frantic search to look at him in the eyes, and then looking at an object in the draw before grinning. [b]"Right, and its probably about the size of this here thimble I bet"[/b], she quipped with a grin, holding the small sewing item within her fingers and chuckling. He rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but laugh at her tease. [b]"Sheesh, what ever would I do without you?"[/b], he said to her in a sarcastic tone. Cleopatra snickered, cautiously stepping over the glass on the kitchen floor and scampering over to the couch that Lucky had just been sitting on. [b]"It's for your own good kiddo, I keep you....humble"[/b], she said softly. [b]"Why the hell do we have a thimble anyways?"[/b], he asked calmly. Cleopatra shrugged. [b]"No clue. I don't even sew"[/b], she responded casually, proceeding to lift up the cushions of the couch until she bellowed out a loud, [b]"Aha!"[/b]. Lucky instantly frowned. [b]"Oh whoopie, you found it"[/b], he said in a dissatisfied tone as he picked up the broom and began sweeping up the broken glass in a pile. [b]"Why do I have a strong feeling that you hid this?"[/b], she inquired to him with piercing eyes. Lucky quickly lifted his head from his task, giving her a brief and nonchalant shrug before proceeding to sweep the remains into the dustpan and then slide them into the trash. [b]"Anyways...", she began. "We are going to this party. Its the first week of a new semester dude. It'll be fun"[/b], she said in a reassuring voice. [b]"I really don't think this is a good idea. And besides, I don't even drink."[/b], he mumbled as he laid the broom and dustpan to the side. Cleopatra sighed and walked over to him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder and smiling at him affectionately. [b]"Then don't drink. Look...I know this is out of your comfort zone. I get that. But honestly...there is so much more to who you are. I think....you just need to let people see that. You know?"[/b], she said to him in a motherly tone. Lucky chuckled, and swayed his head before half-halfheartedly replying with a quick, [b]"Okay"[/b]. She smiled warmly, gently pulling his head down between her hands and lightly pecking his forehead before playfully pushing his head back. [b]"Good! Now lets go!"[/b], she said in an ecstatic tone, looking behind her as Lucky followed with a coy smile spread across his uncertain face. ------------------------------------------------------------------ [b]"Ugh....what the..."[/b], Cleopatra mumbled, wriggling her fingers through her curly thick hair in an attempt to pull it back. Her head was pounding, relentlessly so. She moaned softly as her head and body ached, looking over to Lucky who lay passed out in the passenger seat. She had no recollection of what had happened that night. All she remembered was leaving the apartment with Lucky to head to the party and then....blank. She painfully and achingly reached over to Lucky, shaking his arm in a worried manner in an attempt to bring him to. [b]"Lucky...get up...what happened?"[/b], she whispered to him. No response, but at least he breathing so that was relief. She lay back and sighed deeply. She began looking around her environment, hoping something would jog something in brain. A parking lot and some students passed out or half-awake in various areas around them. One student in particular looked as though he had lost his got-damn mind. She looked at the boy oddly before looking back at Lucky to attempt awaking him up. But all of a sudden, a car, two spaces down from her, own exploded in a magnificent ball of fire. She shrieked in fear and watched in horror as the cars on either-side of it also exploded. The car next to her was spewing magnificent flames, but she feared that the chain reaction would cause her car to be next. She quickly unbuckled her seat belt and leaned over to Lucky, aggressively pushing and shaking his body to make him wake up. [b]"Lucky if you don't get your ass up, I swear..."[/b], she said in a panicked tone. Still, he was unconscious. She looked to her over to her window, but chance of getting out through her side was a no go. The flames were too great and too close. She lifted herself up, head and body still aching, and crawled over Lucky's slumping body, frantically nudging at the door to open. It wouldn't open. Somehow, it was jammed. [b]"You have got to be kidding me"[/b], she mumbled angrily, quickly putting her keys in the ignition in an attempt to power up the car so she could roll down the windows. Nothing. Not even the car would start. [b]"No way...."[/b], she said in a frightened and soft tone. She couldn't believe what was happening. While Lucky was still in the blissful unaware, her panic was growing manic. She made her way to the backseat of the car and began screaming, yelling, and banging on the back window, hoping one of the students sprawled out nearby would come to her aid. if it hadn't been for her growing panic, she probably would have dialed 911 on her phone.