[b] [u]Astrid[/u] [/b] It was going to be a long night she could already tell. The building next to hers was blasting music in what had to be a party of some kind. Dozens of drunk teenagers, loud music, drugs, the perfect combination for absolutely no sleep. Walking to the window Astrid stuck her head out glaring down. From her vantage point she could see a few outsiders lingering around the lawn of the building, nearly falling down drunk. Some couple was making out behind a tree. Rolling her eyes at the scene she pulled back from the window and slammed it shut. Instantly the music dimmed, unfortunately not enough that she would be able to get a wink of sleep. Trudging over to the bed where she slept, Astrid ripped off the white blanket that lay on top and wrapped it around her shoulders. If she couldn't get any sleep in her dorm room, maybe she would be able to get some in her car. After a short walk to the parking lot next to a big open field she finally got to her car a lay down in the back seat. No more music or drunk teens running around screaming, just quiet bliss. Closing her eyes she passed out laying on her arms. --- Being woken up is never a fun experience. However, it gets even worse when your woken up by a massive explosion. Inside you car. Where you are, Eyes shooting open she saw her car engulfed in fire. Instantly panic burst in her chest and she let out a scream of terror. She was in her car and about to be roasted alive. Flinching back from the licking flames she neglected to realize she could not feel the heat that should have been coming off in waves. Ripping off the blanket she had been sleeping under Astrid attempted to beat out the flames near her. It was a hopeless cause though as the blanket only caught fire itself. Turning around she kicked at the front windshield hoping that she could break it off and escape. She would not die in this giant metal can. She. Would. Not. Each word she emphasized to herself with a sharp kick and a grunt. "Fuck... you... window!" Just as she started to feel the window give, she noticed something small on her cherry-red t-shirt. Fire. Eyes widening even more in panic she swatted at the flames burning her shirt. She was on fire! Flailing now, her legs kicked out knocking the windshield out and Astrid hurriedly clambered out on to the pavement. Still on fire she whipped off her shirt and threw it on the ground. Quickly stamping on the flames she realized it was pointless. The shirt was gone and the ground was littered with the flames of burning debri. Looking around she realized she had been lucky. The two cars next to her had blown up, only they were so badly blasted there was no way she could have survived it. Carefully walking away from the car Astrid made sure to check before she stepped. She was worried about the glass that had been shattered around her, but really just wanted to get away from the fiery explosion as soon as possible. Eyes down looking for a space between the glass, Astrid had no time to react as car right next to her, apparently equally as reactant, exploded. The flames gushed out of the windows and directly onto her. She tried to scream but the fire burned the oxygen up before it could enter her throat. Collapsing to the ground, shaking in fear she slowly opened her eyes scared to look over her charred body. Peeking through her eyelashes she saw her hand, perfectly intact. Grabbing her other arm with her hand she pulled it around quickly looking for any burn marks. Nothing. The flames that had completely engulfed her hadn't left any burns. Standing up still shakily, only dressed now in a simply black bra and jeans covered in burn holes, Astrid stared confused and mystified by the what had just happened.