Charles was busy getting paperwork done before he went to sleep when he got a phone call and he answered. "Hello Ravenwood residence this is Charles Ravenwood speaking." He said into the phone as he signed a few papers but soon stopped and dropped his pen. 'What did you just say...Yes thank you for letting me know I had no clue I was on his contact list still....goodnight." He siad as he hung up the phone and rubbed his head as his head maid walked in. "Sir is everything alright?" SHe asked as she placed a cup of herbal tea in front of him. Charles looked up at her and sighed. "Philips father is dead from what they told me he was murdered this is not good for Philip at all and I fear either he will have to take over the family buisness or that uncle of his has a dark plan and I fear for the boys saftey." Charles said and his head maid looked him worried. "I Know you know another servant besides Ariel there get a hold of them and tell them to keep an eye on the boy as a favor to me." He said and she nodded and went off to make a few phone calls. Amy laid in her new bed looking out the window at the old yard she and her grandfather played in before her mother just took her and she never saw him again.