[quote=So Boerd] For the practical aspects, I think if Liberty Prime, which never worked in the first place, could be activated by the BoS (with no industrial base), the Dominion could maintain a battleship, particularly by limiting the use. Perhaps they exert control over NS Mayport in Jacksonville to use ita facilities?For the gameplay aspects, you're probably right. What would serve as a better replacement? I could do HMS Warrior. I want the sea/river equivalent of Vertibirds; high tech hard hitting fast moving vehicles, but can't really hold territory. [/quote] Liberty Prime took a [i]long[/i] time to become active. In fact, the Brotherhood of Steel - one of the most advanced factions in the Fallout world - was unable to get it operational and had to enlist the help of Doctor Madison Li, a dedicated scientist with ties to the [url=http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/The_Institute]Institute[/url]. They were also fortunate enough to find Liberty Prime in a near-finished condition, and were able to salvage advanced technology from the Citadel/Pentagon. They had no real industrial base, but they never really needed it to complete Liberty Prime, since all it needed was power. The Brotherhood acquired said power when they seized the water plant and got the scientists to work. If you can propose something more agreeable, I'd be cool with it and (probably) so would Aaron. But the idea of functional metal ships going around bombing coasts and pretty much having total naval dominance is a bit concerning. This is just a suggestion, but maybe the ships could be a sort of hybrid? Like, maybe they're made of wood and use sails and other simple components, but have limited advanced technology installed as well. Maybe the original ships were pretty much inoperable, or close to being inoperable, so they were dismantled and some of their parts were used to reinforce a simple kind of sail-ship? You would still have a total naval advantage on pretty much everyone, since the most people have is ships like the one Aaron showed you. And most wastelanders stay off the water anyway.