North looked up as the door opened and the next group of those who’d finished their stage 2 assessments came shambling in. He stood slightly, trying to catch sight of South amongst them, it was hard because everyone here was taller than her, but he did see her coming up amongst the last of the group. Smiling, even beneath his helmet he quickly waved her over to him. “So? How’d you go?” He asked, unable to hide the excitement in his voice. She shrugged in response. “Okay I suppose… It’s hard to tell though, you have no idea how everyone else did. Got my butt kicked at hand-to-hand but that’s nothing new.” She shrugged and then winced, rolling her shoulder gingerly. “That California has a real good punch, she knocked me flat in like a minute or something.” North looked at her in surprise, looking up at the other girl in question and then back to South. “Wait… what? You had to fight another one of us? I just got some training hologamy thing.” South shrugged in response. “She seemed surprised about it too. It doesn’t matter though, it was never going to be something I did well at anyway.” Still, that fact that they’d altered the training didn’t sit right with North. He was about to go over and say something to the other girl when F.I.L.S.S’s voice came over the speakers. “[i]Attention agents, thank you for your cooperation with today’s assessments. That concludes the testing for today, stage three will begin tomorrow at 06:00 and agents are expected not to be late. It is recommended you have a good night sleep before then. Thank you.[/i]” Deciding to let it go for now the two moved to the locker-room and stored their amour, both peeling back helmets to reveal platinum blonde hair and bright blue eyes. “I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.” North commented absently as he put his helmet away. “Coming?” He asked as he moved off towards the mess hall, South following happily in tow, both on them smiling happily at each other.