Yay the site is back up, I'm sorry for my short post before I would have done a much longer one but I had writers block and was having trouble finding a good direction to go with it. However I am glad to see how amazing the rest of the posts look. I promise mine will be longer in the future. Though I'm having trouble figuring out how to get Carolina to interact with the others from the test, perhaps they post up that we are being place together as a team now? Give us time to at least meet the people we will have to work with in round three? [quote=Midna-Phobia] Accepted ^_^ Though could you maybe give a more detailed explanation of his amour enhancement? Also, since there is already a North Dakota would it be alright if we referred to you as just Carolina? We'd have to ask others to not be south, it'd just get too confusing. That is if it's okay with you :) [/quote] I fixed the explanation on his armor ability, it's a system to help him respond to a problem based on all the data it gets. Basically it tells you the way to deal with stuff, the only problem is you can't always listen to it, it might say the best course of action is throw a grenade but you don't want to endanger the civilian but the suit does not care your orders don't involve protecting the civilian thus it is irrelevant whether they live or die.