The flames on the driver side of Cleopatra's car were immensely intense, and emitting a magnificent flash. Cleopatra looked back at her still unconscious brother, freightened like she had never been before as her eyes made a quick dash to the flames that had now begun to touch her own car. She could feel it was getting hot, quick. She swiveled back around and continued banging on the back window of her car, screaming. Her fear was growing by the second. Arina sprinted as fast as her legs would carry her, ducking under flames as she evaded the burns that threatened her bare skin. She raised an arm over her mouth as she squinted her eyes to see – god it was hot. Finally, she reached the car, placing her hands on the window – staring in to see a panicked girl along with her unconscious brother. She made a few motions to her before trying to pull on the door handle, a small scream sounded from her lips as her hand recoiled and she tried to soothe the burn which was now forming on her palm – the door was far too hot. She took a deep breath in, trying to limit her inhalation of smoke before she motioned for Cleopatra to get back, “Get away from the window!” She held her breath while drawing her arm back, releasing a swift blow to the window – which did nothing other than create a small opening and cut her wrist. She hissed in pain as she inspected the now bloody limb… that was stupid. The smoke was burning her eyes and she could feel them watering due to the pain – her lungs were aching from all the smoke and the world was starting to spin. She gripped the car with her free hand – trying to keep her balance. “This isn’t good,” she murmured more to herself. Cleopatra let out the faintest smile possible as she took notice of the girl who had ran over to her. She didn't know her name, but had seen her a few times before. She watched in a frenzy as the girl made her way to the side of her car with the flames. She yelled out to the girl.."My doors are jammed and my car won't start. Hurry!", she said manically. Cleopatra kept a keen eye on the girl as she reached out her hand to open the door. Cleo waved her hands trying to get her not to. Unfortunately, the girl didn't notice and burnt her hand, badly. The heat and smoke was more intense now. The girl was trying to save them, desperately it seemed, but her attempts seemed futile. And she was only causing more harm to herself. Cleopatra winced as she took notice of the girls admirable attempt to break the window, only to futher injure herself, leaving a small smear of blood on it. "Oh god...are you okay?", Cleo said to the girl through the glass in a worried tone. She could see the situation was only getting worse and soon, all three of them would need saving. Adaline's gaze fell upon one of the cars. She could make out faces inside. She squinted, trying to see inside from her spot. There was a girl banging on the window, screaming. She bolted over, beginning to panic. However, another girl beat her there. Adaline watched as she attempted to break the window. She parted her lips to protest when she drew her fist back but before she could say anything, the deed was done. “Are you okay? “She steadied her gently, taking her shoulder. "Let's try to find something to break the window with besides our fists." Her head was already reeling from nausea that had plagued her since the moment she woke up and the smoke was not doing much to help. She waved it out of her face, coughing as she struggled to think of something helpful. Her eyes darted frantically as she searched the area for something that could work. She could feel the oppressive heat against her cheeks as the flames seemed to grow stronger, flickering like the malicious tongue of a snake poised to strike. That's when she felt a sudden cool rush of air in the palms of her hands. It felt as if the all the air in the sky was being collected into her hands. There was a flash of blue from her hands and then the cracking sound of something against the window filled through the air. A small circle of ice had hit against the window and began to expand throughout the entirety of the window, crawling on to the car door as well. Adaline could only stare in shock. She reminded herself that people were in danger and glanced at the other girl. "I don't really know what happened but it should be easier to break now.” Had Arina been feeling 100%, she would have had a bigger reaction than a simple raise of the eyebrows when she saw the girl ice the door - however, the smoke was causing her vision to blur. She turned so her back was on the door and sighed - it was hot, she was tired and she was almost sure she wasn't going to last much longer. With a small groan she looked at the girl beside her, "You've got this right?" and with that she slid down the door and onto the ground, blinking to keep herself conscious. Kelsey startled as an explosion sounded in the parking lot and set three cars on fire. In her shock she'd jumped nearly two metres backwards. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Arina running towards one of the cars, then pulling on the door handle and recoiling. Now she was gesturing to the window. Someone was inside? "Get away from the window!" Someone was inside. Kelsey felt sick. They'd be cooked alive in a metal oven. She reached into her pocket– where was her phone? Back at the frat house, probably. It looked like calling 911 was out of the question. Kelsey ran over to the car instead, faster than she'd ever had in her life. She barely had time to register Arina slumping to the ground and another girl standing beside the car window (which was frosted over?) before she was next to her. Cleopatra took her eyes off her brother to see a young brunette girl coming to she and her brother's aid. She couldn't really make out a smile, but found it fortunate that she girl had come to Arina's aid after her futile attempts to open the door and break the window. A blast of the flames seemed to spark a reaction in the girl and herself, who to Cleo's amazement, had somehow managed to conjure a frost over the window and over part of the door. [i]How in the hell did she do that?[/i], Cleo thought to herself. Under normal circumstances she would have been fascinated, but the sudden action only made her even more freightened. And of course the flames had only gotten worse. Cleo could feel herself palipating as her fear nearly reached a peak. She had her hands clasped together over her chest as a futile effort to calm herself down. The situation was quickly spiraling out of control. Mike was wrong, they’d need more then lots of drugs to fix this situation. That was saying something considering Floyd thought intoxication to be an answer to most of life’s problems ranging from boredom to staying awake in his math class. One minute the parking lot was full of tired students getting ready to go to class or attempting to recover from their hangovers. The next it was pure chaos with people running in every direction, the explosion had set of a chain reaction. Nearby cars were catching on fire, and eventually exploding themselves so things were rapidly getting worst. "What did you guys do!? Floyd had no idea who was tossing accusations at him, but he just knew he had nothing to do with the scene taking place. Sure he sold lots of drugs, did lots of drugs did drove extremely intoxicated, committed theft here and there, took part in a few credit part scheme’s, and a lot of crime’s but terrorism was like crack, meth, and heroin something he never wanted to try. “Hold up why do you think..” He turned around to see my accuser only to smile. The attractive girl from last night who’d twerked on me for quite a while. “Wooahh Adaline!!!Before he had time to talk to her she was running off towards some car that had caught on fire. “YO THIS GIRL IS STUCK IN THE CAR ON FIRE BRO HOLY SHIT BRO SHES ABOUT TO GET FUCKED UP!!!!” Some frat guy was yelling at the top of his lungs about some girl that was about to get burned alive. Turning his attention to Adaline and another girl he watched as they tried to open the door of one of the burning cars. Getting a closer look he noticed a girl and another person inside. Fuck I have to do something or there gonna fucking die! "Shit!!" He didn't have time to just watch he had to act now if he was planning on preventing the girl stuck in that car from burning alive. He rushed over to the vehicle and not even seeing the door getting frozen seemed to phase him. Any other time seeing something like that would have him staring in awe but not now. With a strength he didn't know he had he pulled the iced door completly off it's hinges. Tossing the door aside he quickly noticed a second person in the vehicle who seemed to be unconscious. "GET OUT THE CAR!!!" He yelled at the girl while grabbing the unconscious male and tossing him over his shoulder as easy as if he was picking up a piece of paper. He had no time to even think about everything going on how the hell he managed to toss the door like nothing, or the fact that it was frozen over. The only thing he knew was he didn't want to stick around to explain this to the cops, and with the sounds of sirens growing larger he knew they had mere seconds before police cruisers were pulling into the parking lot. To Adaline's surprise, Floyd somehow managed to rip the door completely off its hinges. She wondered if he was taking steriods or something. There wasn't any time to stand and ponder how he managd the strength. They had to get out of here now. She watched as he chucked the unconscious guy over his shoulders and quickly moved to help out. She reached her hand in to the girl inside, "I'll help you out." The interior of the car was uncomfortably hot and smoke was circulating inside it, making her eyes water. Adaline hoped the girl would move hastily before the car blew up or something. Just when Mike thought he had solved half of his problems by getting his roommate to shut up, a car explodes. The sound of the explosion causes Mike to wince as he covered his ear with both his hands. “Fuck!” He curses as his headache pretty much incapacitates him. He drops to one knee and breathes heavily as the commotion ensues. He hears Floyd say something, but is more concentrated on fighting the pain. Why did it hurt so much? He shuts his eyes as he hears the various exchanges between the individuals in the parking lot, but isn’t just that. It was as if he was hearing twice as many voices, all fearful about the situation at hand. “I hate this.” He said before getting himself up and looking just in time to see his roommate rip the door off of a car on fire. “Shit… How’d he..?” Mike said weakly to himself as he held his head with his right hand. He winced and groaned again as his head pounded violently once more. Being useless really sucks. Cleopatra grasped Adaline's hand as she reached it out to her. The sudden unimaginable events that had occurred would have normally dumbfounded her, but with her adrenaline at its peak, she didn't think to much of it. From the sudden frost, to Floyd suddenly ripping the door off its hinges, she was just relieved to see Lucky had gotten out and now it was her turn. Stepping out of the car, she looked to everyone that was around and smiled warmly, to tears in fact. She began crying, streams of eye liquid pouring down her soft cheeks. As she made her way over to Lucky, who finally seemed to be waking up miraculously after all that had occurred, a steady stream of cops and a firetruck came rearing up on the scene, blaring flashing lights in the process and quickly jumping into action. "Lucky...Lucky....thank God. You ass! I can't believe u slept through all that.", Cleo said to her brother in a frustrating but nonetheless relieved tone. Lucky burped and scratched his head, lifting himself up on the ground and rubbing his head, moaning, as if he were suffering from some hangover. His eyes sparked wide open, as he looked around confused. Firefighters, ambulance, cops, burning cars, he didn't know what to think. "I slept through all this? Shit...I'm just glad your alright. But...I told you...whatever happened here, I told you this was a bad idea...", he chimed to her, pulling her down to his level and affectionately wrapping his arms around her neck. "I really am glad you are alright though...", he said softly to her. Tears still streaming down her face, she just chuckled and smiled, as soon after she and her brother being whisked away by the paramedics and taken to the hospital. Kelsey looked in the car window. A dark-skinned girl stared out, eyes wide and unseeing. For a moment she could have sworn she saw a flicker of orange in her eyes. Suddenly she was very conscious of the smoke and heat surrounding them. Arina had all but passed out already and Kelsey could already feel her skin prickling. Other people were yelling in the distance, one of them making their way over. They'd be in the same situation too, soon enough. How much worse would it be inside the car? [i]For a moment she saw her skin peel back and melt into black sludge as it burst into flames—[/i] Kelsey yelped, terrified, and a black wave surged forward from where she was and engulfed the fire on the car. It receded a split-second later, leaving charred metal in its wake– and no flames. A bit later the yelling guy ran up and yanked the frozen car door right off its hinges. She breathed a sigh of relief and took a step forwards, trying to see if the girl was alright. At that moment sirens sounded. Kelsey turned around and a wave of relief coursed through her as an ambulance pulled into the parking lot. But there had been more than one siren- Dread filled her as several police cruisers pulled into the parking lot. They were [i]screwed.[/i]