After the training, in the locker-room once she had removed her amour, revelling short, pixie brown hair and green eyes California looked around, trying to locate South Dakota. Despite the fact that it had been orders, she still felt annoyed about being forced to fight her. It hadn't been fair. It was a lot harder to recognise people out of amour, but she suspected the pair of blondies walking away were a good bet since a lot of people were speculating that they were some kind of pair or something. However before she was able to move she saw Carolina running up to them and a brief look of disappointment crossed her face before she turned and walked away. Clearly it wasn’t something that was going to happen, at least for now. Sometimes she was a little too proud for her own good and she would prefer to do things like apologising when there wasn’t an audience. Following at a distance she moved off to sit on her own at another table, deciding a meal wasn’t the worst idea to get something to eat before she went to bed. Once she was done she quickly rose and left, trying to draw as little attention to herself as possible.