Hiding in the shadows Alistar watched the group of kids. He wasn't sure what to do at this point because the seemed harmless. Wait! That's it! Alistar thought. "I will test their strength and evaluate them from there." Ryudamon growled in agreement. Alistar brought up a portable screen and moved his finger through a list of digit on that were under his master's control. Nothing to powerful that would kill them off easily, but something that would rattle their chains a bit. Finally he settled on Apemon. "Come forth Apemon. Test their strength but do not kill them!" The screen then opened a portal and out came Apemon. Apemon didn't have to walk far to get to the kids. Once he was upon them he pounder his chest and grunted. "Ooooh aaaahhh what you doing here in my forest? This all mine and you leave now! Or I will have to pummel you good!" Apemon boast was loud and demanding it was sure to get them to either attack or reason with him. There was no reasoning with Apemon though.