Adaline was convinced she was either dreaming or drugged up. Had someone slipped something in her drink last night? Nothing was making any sense. Where had the ice came from? Sirens sounded through the air as teens evacuated the parking lot. She had never been so confused in her life. Well, there was the time she found her cousin running through the streets in a clown suit screaming in some foreign language but that story's for a different time. The boy she had met at the party and some other guy didn't waste their time leaving. Adaline wasn't particularly surprised. People tended to evacuate as if there was a storm coming when the cops showed up. Knowing fully well she had not done anything wrong, Adaline didn't care. She shook her head and knelt down to the girl who had collapsed earlier. She could recall hearing somewhere that her name was Arina. Adaline reached her hand down to her, "Hey come on. Let's get away from the smoke before I faint too." She helped her up if she did accept the hand and led her away from the car. (Is that alright? Let me know if it's not!) She glanced over her shoulder to see the two that were in the car having a moment and smiled. Though she had no idea how the hell she had made ice form out of thin air, she was happy she had done something that helped save lives. It made her feel like a hero. The police soon arrived and began questioning everyone. After about a half hour, they were allowed to leave. Adaline was set on going to her dorm and taking a long nap until she felt less sick. Then maybe she'd try to comprehend what the hell had happened. - Hunter spun his key chain around his finger as he made his way over to the parking lot. He halted as the sight of smoke billowing into the sky caught his eye. Hastily, he began running over as the bright red, dancing flames came into view. He ran into two guys shadily making their way away from the parking lot and made note of them. Mike and Floyd. His eyes narrowed as he examined the sight before him. A number of cars were up in flames and the police were now talking to everyone. One of them was his. Fury filled him but he kept a calm exterior. He'd blow up their cars next and perhaps worse than that. It had took him weeks to get enough money to buy that car. He inhaled deeply and turned and began making his ways towards the dormitories where Mike and Floyd were heading to. It was time to pay them a visit.